Chapter 13: Fire and Water

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The three Yorktown sisters proceeded toward the infirmary, Enty carrying her little sister.

"So, Hornet, could you tell us what happened?" Yorktown gently asked.

"It's a bit fuzzy right now, but I remember providing air support for the sortieing fleet. That high-class Siren was bowling us down left and right like we were nothing. Eventually I'd had enough and charged her myself, but then I was hit with a massive explosion and blacked out. When I woke up Oregon was next to me. He looked...not well."

"Sis, you shouldn't be reckless like that. Look where it's gotten me," Enterprise chided. "...Still, that was very brave of you to do that."

"Thanks, Enty."

"How do you feel right now? You look terrible." Yorky couldn't help but ask.

Indeed. Hornet had all sorts of injuries, from cuts and bruises to severe burns. Luckily, no broken bones. It was highly likely that she would not be able to do much for some weeks, maybe even months.

"I could be worse, you know? If Oregon hadn't shown up that first time I wouldn't even be here. How is he doing by the way? He said he saved me again and that I owe him twice over now."

"I didn't notice anything particularly off about him, just that he looked pretty exhausted and his voice sounded dry and hoarse. I sure hope he's doing fine now."

"Well...perhaps some of the others who were present could tell me more later. Right now we all need to rest."

A faint rumble echoed in the distance behind them. A few moments later the base's unique fire warning siren began wailing.

"A fire? Perhaps it might be left over from the damage the Sirens caused. The fire crews can take care of it," Enterprise said, Yorktown nodding in agreement.

As they approached the infirmary multiple fire engines and an ambulance roared past them, heading in the direction the trio had came from, which was the docks.

"Huh. Must be pretty severe if they need that many fire trucks for it."

"Can we see it from here?" Hornet asked.

Most of the base was built on a gradually sloping hill, with the important buildings like the main administration and the hospital higher up, away from the dock area.

"Let's see..." Enterprise and Yorktown turned around. Down below in the dock area they saw smoke rising, but they couldn tell what it was from.

"Yorktown, find the small set of binoculars in one of my coat pockets," Enterprise requested.

Yorktown searched around and found the indicated set of binoculars. They afforded her a much better look at the situation.

What she saw, however, quickly made her turn pale.

Both Enty and Hornet noticed this almost immediately.

"What's wrong, Yorktown? What's happening?"

Yorktown didn't reply but wordlessly handed the binoculars to Hornet, never taking her gaze off the sight she had seen. Tears began to fall.

Hornet, now thoroughly concerned, looked through the binocs herself.

"Oh God."

"What? What is it?" Enterprise demanded.

Hornet began to cry. "Oregon...his ship... is...b-burning..."


Cleveland and Wales were watching the shipgirls come by, most on their way to the infirmary. The pair discussed what had taken place.

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