Chapter 16: The Beginning of the End

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A giant ship loomed on the horizon, dwarfing every other ship by far. A strange mix of battleship and carrier, it had flight decks along its sides and large turrets wherever else.

On the long pointed prow were smaller but no less dangerous guns, and something that made even Oregon's skin crawl a bit.

"See that tall vertical post-thingy? That's a guide rail for a rocket launch pad. This monstrosity might just be the source of that nuclearly destroyed city we saw earlier."

"So if we destroy this Orochi, we're safe?"

"Not completely safe, but I imagine the Sirens would be greatly weakened in their offensive capabilities."

As the fleet approached further, they could see Sakura empire ships futilely trying to break the force field that shielded the Orochi, while at the same time staving off occasional prods from the elite humanoid Sirens accompanying it.

A pair of hatches opened on the bow, and a tall narrow pointed object emerged.

"Yep, that's a rocket." Oregon sighed. "They think they have the nuclear advantage."

"It looks like one of our Fritz rockets..." Prinz Eugen marveled.

"Ahahaha! Indeed! A technology just out of your grasp! The power to destroy anything! And guess who will be the first to feel the might of the Orochi?" A particularly decked out humanoid Siren laughed.

The rocket's booster engine ignited and streaked up from its parent ship, abruptly turning horizontal and streaking in the direction Oregon's fleet had come. Another missile appeared, ready to fire.

Enterprise had already leaped on one of her SBD Dauntless dive bombers in pursuit of it. Whether she would catch it or not was another matter.

Meanwhile Oregon and his group had another problem on their hands.


"Hmm? Someone want me?" Oregon looked around, pretending not to know who it was.

"Yes, you! The ugly old coal barge! You've been an unaccounted thorn in our side for a long time! We still have no idea who you are or how or why you're here, but you ain't getting away!"

"Throwing insults already, ain'tcha? And besides, who said I ever wanted to leave? I'm right where I want to be."

The Sirens began unleashing their full firepower on the stationary pre-dreadnought.

Contrary to their hopes, Oregon dodged every single laser beam, which was no small feat considering the volume of them.

"You call that a barrage? Pfft! A brigantine could have done better! Have at you!"

Oregon fired his four main guns, and their shells found their targets instantly. Two elite Sirens plummeted into the ocean.

"You...!" Another of the Sirens lunged at Oregon, but he easily sidestepped her. "Quick as a hiccup, ain'tcha? You may be fast, but you can't outrun my fist!"

He teleported directly in front of the Siren and struck her with an uppercut. "Take THAT!"

The fight continued in this manner, with the elite Sirens throwing themselves time and again at Oregon, while he easily fought them off. His faithful pan was soon covered in a strange yellow-black liquid, likely Siren blood.

Unfortunately the main target, the Orochi, was still undamaged because no one could break its force field.

A massive explosion shook everyone and everything. A giant purplish-pink ball of fire erupted in the distance. Enterprise had managed to destroy the missile.

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