Chapter 18: The Greatest Plan

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Oregon's "simulation" vanished, and all those who had been taken reappeared in the real world.

They were all pale and shivering from what Oregon had revealed to them. None were expecting the horror, the tradegy, the insanity of Oregon's life.

He himself was unusually composed and kindly.

"Do you understand my circumstances now? Why I'm the abomination I am?"

They all silently nodded, still trying to process what had just happened.

"Don't try to take it all in at once or you might overwhelm yourselves. Take as much time as you need."

One of the shipgirls noticed a giant portal open some distance behind Oregon. An equally giant figure emerged, Siren in origin and design, but much bigger than the elite sirens they had been used to.

Its "rigging", if you could call the amalgamation of squid-like tentacles and gun barrels a rigging, aimed at Oregon and fired a massive volley of assorted lasers and other projectiles in a concentrated shotgun pattern at the unaware pre-dreadnought.

"Oregon! Behind you! Look out!"

Oregon whipped around. "What the-"

He was sent flying onto his back from the resulting blast, motionless.

The giant Siren approached, hovering over the ocean effortlessly. The Azur Lane shipgirls knew they had less than a 0% chance of standing up to her and all backed away in fear.

"I have been summoned by my underlings for my assistance with this ship...boy?" The Siren Empress was puzzled and then interested in the fact that the ship she had been told about was male.

Her subordinates drew up behind her, and all stared at the motionless Oregon. "You said this ship was an 'unfathomable threat?' It appears he wasn't."

She turned on the elite Sirens. "I thought I instructed you to only call for me if you were in great danger."

"W-we were! This shipboy has unprecedented power beyond any of the shipgirls we've faced! Not even Code G can compare to what he can do!" Observer, one of the few elite Sirens subjected to Project Pastime, was mortified over what she had been shown.

"Are you sure about that? He went down with only one shot from-"

"D-don't be s-so c-certain about t-that..." A gravelly voice spoke behind the Empress.

"'re the leader behind all this?" Oregon shakily stood, bent over slightly in pain as dark, oily blood seeped from both his own bodily wounds and the many holes in his rigging.

"You're still alive? I'm surprised you survived that attack. Usually everything I use that kind of attack on never survives. Not to mention I hear you survived one of our nuclear weapons."

"G-guess I'm not just 'everything', then." Oregon growled.

"No matter. Once I eliminate you I will personally go on to destroy everything else on this planet. I'm here now, so might as well make use of it."

Oregon's voice became shuddery and his face began glitching into his crazed expression. "Heh...hehehehEHeHehAHeHah..."

"What are you laughing about? And why is your" Unfortunately the Empress failed a very important vibe check.

Oregon composed himself, and his glitching ceased.

"I'm laughing...because you act so confident. You really can just waltz into this world and conquer it, just like that? Well, I hate to inform ya but...

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