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"What do we do now?" Minji pouted after Eunji walked out of the car and now, it was just Jungkook and her in the car

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"What do we do now?" Minji pouted after Eunji walked out of the car and now, it was just Jungkook and her in the car. Jungkook put his chin on the starring wheel and hummed, thinking of something.

"Where do you want to go?" He straightened up and looked at her through the rare view mirror.

"I can go anywhere." She shrugged. "Just, it should be fun." He went into deep thoughts again before a light blub glow in his mind and a smile slowly formed on his lips. Minji squinted her eyes, finding his smile creepy.

"I think I got something good." He smirked before starting the car and driving away.


"Where are we?" Minji frowned as she gazed at the big mansion in front of her. Instead of her old clothing, she was wearing a purple-coloured gown dress, which reached her ankles and white bellies. Half of her face was covered with a dark purple masquerade mask.

"In a party." Jungkook licked his lips while scanning his face in the rare view mirror of the car. He was wearing a black tuxedo but there were multiple designs printed on his coat with golden colour, making him look like royalty. His hair was styled back and he was also wearing a masquerade mask but a black one.

She squinted her eyes and looked up at him. "And what are we doing here?"

"To enjoy." He smirked and stood straight since they were already out of the car. Instead of standing on the gate, the car was at the backside of the mansion, which Minji noticed.

"Shouldn't we supposed to be at the front gate...?" She trailed off while staring at the back of the mansion and looked beside but he has already started walking ahead. She quickly ran behind him. "Oppa!"

"Shh!" He put his finger in front of his lips while his hand was holding the door. She stopped talking as he opened the gate and entered inside. She silently followed him and gasped when she saw a beautifully decorated hall with hundreds of people present there. 

"Wow..." She muttered and stared at the large chandelier hanging in the middle of the room. Jungkook looked around the hallway and his gaze landed at the food section and he almost heard his stomach growling.

"I'm going to eat something." He muttered and was about to walk towards it but stopped and looked at Minji. 'I can't lose her', he thought and grabbed her hand before dragging her along with him.

"Wait wait wait." She stopped, causing him to stumble back a little but he quickly straightened his posture. "There are all adults...where the heck are we??"

"In a party?"

"I also know that! But what about our other brothers?? I can't see them! All are adults and we are the only kids here!!" She almost shouted, causing some people around them to turn to them. He put his large hand on her small mouth and glared at her.

"Keep your voice down..." He whispered in between his gritted teeth. She kicked his leg with full force. His eyes went wide and his mouth hung open, letting out a silent scream. He removed his hand from her mouth, moved his injured leg up and held on to the area she kicked.

"Did you just barged into you a random party??" She said in a little low tone but anger could be still detected from her voice. Jungkook circled his tongue in his mouth and looked around. 

"See." He looked back at her. "I'm not a kid. I'm an adult of 18 years."

"Yes, an adult who threatens that he will cry if we don't give him a turn in games." She spat the truth. A few people, even the waiters, chuckled when they heard the small girl exposing an adult.

"Can you keep your mouth shut?"


"Stop talking back like this."

"You are not my dad."

"I will tell Yoongi hyung that you talk to me like this and I will enjoy when he will scold you."

"Good luck cause he will scold YOU cause of complaining like a small kid." He groaned when she threw the actual truth on his face. 

"You kids." A familiar voice said behind them. They turned to the voice and Jungkook's eyes almost went out of his sockets when he saw the person.

"J-Jin hyung-" He stuttered while scanning the man dressed as the waitress in front of him. Bringing his hand up, he swiped the bead of sweat that instantly fell when he saw the elder. 

Jin was wearing a masquerade mask, Jungkook still recognized his elder brother while Minji was a little confused but she was able to sense the familiar aura and body proportions of Jin. 

"Your parents told me to bring you to them." Jin gave a forced smile and moved his eyes towards the people eyeing them with suspicious stares. "They are worried sick about you."

"Which paren-" Jungkook smack back of Minji's head, shutting her down instantly. She whined. Jin gritted his teeth after seeing him hitting her but he can't scold or hit Jungkook in front of others, so he clenched his fists. 

Jungkook was well aware of Jin's anger and he smirked even though he knew he will be dead after the party. So, why not test your sibling's patience? It feels the best when they can't do anything to you.

"We will go." Jungkook glanced at Jin's tag on his waiter's suit. "Suckjin."

"Suckjin?" A woman near them chuckled while the men started to laugh. Jin's neck turned red because of the embarrassment while Jungkook seemed to enjoy this a lot. Poor Minji is like a confused little ant in between two giants arguing over she don't know but she was still enjoying it internally.

"Mr. Jungkook, please." Jin looked down and bit his lower lip. If they weren't at the party, he would've already started a fight with Jungkook.

"Well, lemme think~" Jungkook hummed and held on his chin and looked up like he is thinking about something deep. "What about no?" He smirked and looked at Jin. 

Jin took a deep breath and suddenly smiled VERY brightly. Jungkook was taken back by the sudden happiness and stopped smirking. "Dear Mr. Jungkook, PLEASE," Jin said in a SWEET tone. Minji was sipping on the cold drink she took from the food section and watching the drama.

"S-Sure-" Jungkook gulped, grabbed Minji's hand and started to walk away while she started to ramble about disturbing her when she was enjoying the drink and the drama.

"Not there. Here." Jin pointed in the opposite direction from where Jungkook was walking. Jungkook stopped, turned around and walked where Jin pointed while Minji looked like a bag he was dragging.

Jin turned around to the guests and bowed before rushing towards the youngers.

Jin turned around to the guests and bowed before rushing towards the youngers

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It's not that cracked I expected it to be ;-;

Btw, the other side story of the other six brothers will be shown in next chapter~

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