Family (2)

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After all of the commotion that the last video caused finally calmed down a bit, the screen lit up once again.

While watching the video the whole of the Mikaelson family still couldn't believe that they would kill people so calmly, as if it happened everyday. Even if they could see past that, they couldn't see past the part where they were turning on each other.

When Marcel saw that Elijah killed him he couldn't believe his eyes. Even though he didn't like Elijah all that much, he still thought of him as family.

"You killed me?" Marcel asked hoping for some kind of explanation. Even if he knew that Elijah barely knows him now, he still wants him to explain. "For what it's worth, I deeply apologize for my future actions" Elijah replied, not knowing what else to say to him. He himself couldn't believe what he'd done.

On the other side of the room about a million things were running through Hayley's mind. She now has seen proof that she has a daughter. She thinks that she's accepted that for the most part, but now she learns that one of Klaus's crazy aunt's is after her child. This was all a little too much for Hayley to handle right now.

Freya flinched in fear at the sight of Dahlia. She was still deathly afraid of the woman even though she's been long dead.

At the sight of Dahlia, Esther and Finn shared an uneasy look. They both knew that their secret involving Freya and Dahlia would soon be revealed to the others.

Though both still shocked at the thought of Dahlia coming back for another Mikaelson child, even though they obviously don't get along well with Niklaus in the future, it doesn't mean they want harm to come to his child.

Mikael too was feeling great fear for his daughter Freya. Now he's seen what really happened to his sunshine. 'How could Esther do this to one of our children, to one of MY CHILDREN?!' He thought to himself.

He didn't want to say it out loud at the moment in front of others, but when they got back she'd definitely hear what he had to say. He also couldn't believe that he'd help that bastard Niklaus in the future.

Elijah smiled at the fact that even though he was to be a killer in the future, at least he was doing it for his family. Although, he was very surprised that Niklaus had a child.

Sitting next to Elijah, Klaus was thinking about the fact that he would have a daughter in the future.

He was happy that he'd have a chance to be a good father to her, at least he hoped he would be. The good thing was he could see that he obviously would protect her against anything. All that matters is that she's safe from any kind of harm or abuse. He hopes that he's a better father than what Mikael had been to him.

It was strange for Hayley to see what her life was like in the future. Not only was she still getting used to the fact that she had a child in general, but she was also getting used to having a child with Klaus. It was weird to see that they had a relationship, even if said relationship was strictly platonic.

Based off of everything she had heard she thought Klaus was a psychotic monster. But from what she's seeing now, he's just someone who builds up walls to protect himself and the people around him. She could definitely relate to him on that level.

She was just happy that her child would grow up with parents that love her.

Davina only really reacted to the part where she was shown, 'Im dead?' Davina wondered. She had no idea why she was dead or why Marcel would even care, let alone a Mikaelson.

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