Pull of heart

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Jin was busy making lunch when he heard the front door closing. He flinched cz he wasn't actually expecting anyone. Not in the day.

He didn't have to leave the kitchen, as soon he saw a hat and the shirt thrown to the wooden chair in living room.

There kitchen had a wide window opening to the living room. He looked out to see Namjoon slumped on the chair, hand pinching the bridge of nose and face frowned. His eyes were also closed indicating he clearly stressed.

But the thing that made Jin worry is that Namjoon was okay a few hours ago when he left for the fields. He was as usual down as he was missing Taehyung but it wasn't this bad. Something definitely happened in these two hours.

Namjoon was a pacifist, he would never jump into a fight. He believes to talk things out instead of throwing hands at eachother. Both brothers were same so one thing was clear he didn't get in a fight but then maybe he might have gotten in to a debate.

"Are you okay? You came back early today. I was about to take lunch for...." Jin stopped as soon as he saw Namjoon gulping hard. It was clear he was holding back his tears and trying not to make a noise.

"Joonie." Jin sat beside him on the ground. They didn't have much of furniture in their home so it wasn't much of choice. And they both never mind them not having too good of a furniture. That was least of their concern, who wants materialistic things when you have such loving family.

"Joonie." Jin called again, squeezing his hand a bit. Namjoon looked at his boyfriend after little while. His eyes red, hands trembling.

Jin actually got scared. Namjoon is a strong man, it's not like him to cry so easily or to show his vulnerability even to Jin, or Taehyung.

"What happened love?" Jin scouted even more closer to his boyfriend. It pains him to see Namjoon like this. This man has suffered alot and now Jin doesn't want him to even feel a small pain.

"Jinnie." Namjoon tried not to cry but few tears escaped his eyes anyway. This was the hight of tolerance he can have, this is the hight of control he can have on his body.

"I'm here. I'm here love. Tell me what happened?" Jin asked wiping his tears from his thumb pad and cupping his face.

"I don't feel good. No matter how many times i say but I can't get at peace. It's been days since he went but I can't get at peace with it." Namjoon held Jin's hand and rubbed his thumb over his knuckles.

"You are missing Taehyung again?" Jin asked so softly, expecting a nod but he got a shook of head in return.

"No." Namjoon blinked repeatedly not to shed any more tears. "You have said countless times that he has to see the world and learn but what should i do with my heart? This things...." He pointed at his heart. "This thing doesn't get satisfied. I always have the fear that..... he isn't as sharp as people of big cities. He isn't.....isn't capable to fight with their clever minds. He is innocent. Call me whatever you want to call Jinnie..... I can't get over this fear." Namjoon said closing his eyes in between his sentences countless times to keep the tears from falling.

"Why are you thinking like this again. You said yourself that you'll talk to him daily and you'll help him grow forward. Did something happen?" Jin asked him, holding him securely in his arms. Jin hugged him to help him relax. Namjoon was in a very bad shape. Jin still don't know what caused him to behave like this.

"Since morning I'm having bad thoughts. I don't know why but deep down in my heart, i have the feeling that he isn't happy there. It's not the first time, since he went I'm having..... I'm having these vibes that he is not happy. I do call him everyday and to be honest i can feel from his voice that he isn't our Taehyungie. He is changing...." He wiped his eyes once again.

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