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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"What's so special about them that the doctor only has to talk to them." Min-jae wasn't happy about the fact that despite everything Jungkook still gets the close hand to Taehyung.

"He live with them, that's so special about them." Lia has been listening to constant nagging of Min-jae ever since they got here, so she finally snapped. She doesn't care what he talk about Jungkook, but he better keep a good perspective regarding Jimin.

"So what? I also know about him, he's my friend." Min-jae stood up to argue with her.

"Where the hell were you then when it happened to him? Last time i check, friends keep you safe, they stay beside you." Lia spoke up.

"For your information, it was me who informed Jimin about him." Min-jae said proudly.

"And that's where you think your duties ended? That's all you think a friend is for?" Lia didn't like the overconfident attitude of Min-jae.


"Min-jae-ssi, i know how strong your bond is with Taehyung. I know, but just laughing together doesn't fulfil your duty as a friend." She said and moved away, closer to ICU door and looked inside from the glass to see Taehyung still out cold.

"How dare she——-Miss whoever you are, i just don't laugh around with him, i care for him." Min-jae said.

"You do?" Lia turned this time more annoyed.

"Yes. I do. Although he never once could help me but i still stood up and stood bedside him." Min-jae wasn't really thinking, he was more likely trying to win the argument from the unknown girl.

"You see Min-jae-ssi, friends don't keep records." And her she ended the argument.

"I'm no—-" Min-jae went silent on his own. He knew what he said has a double meaning so as much as he keep a positive facade, what he said couldn't be denied.

"You guys, please stop fighting. We are here for Taehyung, he is in pain. Pray for him, please stop fighting over him, he won't like it if he knew." Sara couldn't bear it anymore. All of them are fighting over Taehyung like he is a thing, theirs  to own. He isn't.

And it was quite peaceful when Lia put Min-jae on his place. He was overreacting and needed to learn that standing up for somebody isn't a one day thing, you like someone, wants to be with them, then don't get greedy. You can't have a person all to yourself, friendships doesn't work like that.

Apart form all of them, there at the corner stood the two boys who were completely silent. Yoongi and Hobi.

Ever since this happened, Yoongi has gone unusually quiet and it scared Hobi. Yoongi isn't expressive but Hobi can feel the negative energy radiating out of him. And it's not good.

"Yoongs." Hobi finally dared to speak. It sucks being this scared of everyone's mood.

"Hmm." Yoongi didn't even look at him.

"What happened?" Hobi wanted to ask alot of questions but for now these two words seemed suitable.

"What do you think?" Yoongi answered with a question.

"Auh-Are you angry?"

"With certain someone, yes." Yoongi replied and fisted his both hand together tightly. Hobi was scared, like literally scared, angry Yoongi isn't good.

"He doesn't know what he is doing, but I'm sure——"

"You know him well?" Yoongi raised an eyebrow. Hobi knew he should keep his mouth shut so he shook his head and looked straight at the wall. "I'm going, if you want to come run along, if not.......I'll meet you tomorrow."

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