time to tell ✨ (4)

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"Call me mom dear". You smiled and nodded "Okay mom". That made u feel nice you always called your mother Miss.Choi. It warmed your heart.

Meanwhile Mr.Jeon was boiling, just as u were about to say you and jungkook would leave Mr.Jeon got up and approached jungkook.

He brought his hand up about to slap him. Jungkook closed his eyes waiting for it to happen but then he felt nothing. Seconds after he felt u make a big shift causing him move to the seat beside u.

He opened his eyes and saw that

Jeonghan had gotten up and held back Mr.Jeon and you punched him making him fall back when Jeonghan let his arm go.

He immediately back away behind u holding unto your shoulders their father had never raised his hand to jungkook before.

Now Mrs.jeon was totally fed up of her husband's behavior towards you all so she spoke.

"Yah what the hell is wrong, you dared to raise your hand at your own son. For what just cause he's with the person that makes him happiest? Stop living so deep in the past nothings wrong with their relationship".

"If u don't wanna accept it fine u do u but I do accept them I finally got a daughter. She's so nice and well mannered and not a coward and she looks after my son so well".

Mr.Jeon was just on the floor listening to his wife's words he wasn't gonna accept his defeat just yet his pride was too high. He got up to his deat and dusted his clothes.

"Fine if u wanna remain in this outrageous relationship so be it but just know from now on I only have one son. Jeon Jeonghan".

He said confidently but it all washed away when he heard this.

"Oh no Mr.Jeon you have no kids you disown my brother you disown me we're adults we can control our own lives and fend for ourselves. So if that's all you had to say I'm gonna pack my stuff and I'll leave with my brother and now sister".

"Mom I'm very sorry I'm gonna leave the house but I don't wanna live with a person like him since day one I've always said I'll always take my little brother's side. So please forgive me don't be mad at me".

Jeonghan reasoned with his mother not wanting to accidentally start a new drama.

"No no dear I fully well understand I support you all do what you want I'll always be here when u need to encouragement. That goes for all three of u".

With that Jeonghan went to his room to pack and you and jungkook said your goodbyes to Mrs.jeon since jungkook didn't wanna remain in there anymore.

After walking out you heard jungkooks breathing get heavy u knew what was happening.

You turned and leaned on your car looking at jungkook who hung his head low. Obviously trying not to show u he was about to cry tho it was way too clear to hide.

Without a word u opened your arms and pulled jungkook to your chest. He immediately dug his face into you and clutched at the back of your shirt sobbing hard.

That entire time he was holding his tears. You patted his back and shushed him telling him nice things to calm him.

Eventually he got silent that's when u looked down at him and saw he was sleeping. That same time Jeonghan came out with his bags.

He was going with u since his car had been sent to fix and he doesn't wanna tell the driver to take him.

You unlocked the car Jeonghan put his suit cases into the trunk and you layed jungkook in the back seat. Jeonghan got in the passenger side and you drove off.

You dropped jeonghan and his stuff off at his house. He had a house of his own that he bought he just chose to stay at the parents house but now he'll live on his own.

After you went home so u can change jungkook and put him down to rest properly. Boy was it a long day but atleast that was one less thing you both had to worry about. Now it's just for you to get your mother out of your house and somewhere far so you both can live in full peace.

jungkook ff step dad (Complete) ✔Where stories live. Discover now