Chapter 3 | Simp Street

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Richard got on the train to Spring Valley after his work, where he saw Annie.
"Annie!" He laughed joining her on at a table.
"Hi." She said looking to one side.
"I forgot you don't live in Spring Valley." The boy said.
"No, yea. Annie said putting her phone down, "But I thought you did." She added.
"No, well I just got off work, but yea I live in Head." He told. "So how are you? What you been up to?"
"Oh, well I've been drawing. A lot of drawing." She laughed.
The train ride was a little awkward. But when they got off they saw the clock read twelve to three.
"Oh god," Richard laughed, "what are we doing here?"
"What we always do." A voice said from behind them, "Following Rowan into another stupid plan hello guys." The girl said.
The two saw it was Liana and they said their hellos.
"Not seen since we left." Liana said to Annie.
"No, I've not had a lot of time, but we should hang out sometime." She said as the three made their way over the bridge and into town. And now up ahead was Simp Street.
"Hang on, just trying to figure out which ones the biggest idiot for coming." Annie joked when from inside Evan knocked on the glass.

They waited inside a while for Rowan to show up, they had to order to not be chucked out so Richard got a well done steak for himself and sides for his friends as they insisted on not getting anything.
"Maybe he had an incident." Richard said, "Oh sorry Evan."
"No no," Evan said, "Rowan having an incident would probably be the best outcome for all of us including Rowan." This shut everyone up.
"So how's everyone?" Evan asked making a sandwich from chips and garlic bread. "Liana, I heard you're doing photoshoots?"
"Well." She panicked, "It's nothing really it's a local thing and not even for anything it's just a favour for my mum." She said all in one.
"Ah." Evan nodded taking a bite out of his sandwich.
"Anyway, what are you up to?" She quickly added.
"Umm not much. Just hanging out y'know." He said, "Not many plots in the summer."
"So what do you guys think of this place?" Richard asked eating the gristle.
"I like it." Annie said looking up from her phone.

Simp Street was a nice little restaurant. Not too big, but big enough for many people. The building itself was built way back when, and near the edge of the town, so on a slope, reaching down to the docks. When the building was being constructed they didn't account for the slope, and built it perpendicularly to the ground, so the whole thing, still to present day, is angled to one side.

"Star? How's your summer?" Evan asked.
"Well, I've had a few commissions actually." She told.
"Yea, just OC work." She said thinking no one knew it was SVTFOE OCs.
"This is nice, we said we would hang out then got busy." Liana said.

And that's when Rowan rocked through the doors wearing the same long jacket and circle sunglasses he wore the previous year. He shouted,
"Rowan you said three it's almost four." Evan said watching him strut towards them.
"Yea, three two four." Rowan said.
"You know the problem with you," Evan said, "you're too stupid to argue with."
"How's that a problem?" Rowan laughed.

They remarked on the state of the stop. It had changed since the last time they had come.
"Ye look!" Evan said, "The signs." The restroom signs which previously had funny drawings on them had been replaced with bat shit boring inoffensive rubbish.
"That's political correctness man," Liana said, "robbing charming little bits of life of any distinct style."
"They're twittering us, it's taking over the town." Richard sighed.
"Can't take away the characters though." Rowan laughed, he called over a waitress and he ordered five apple juices and while she was there he explained the golden rail to her.
"Actually make that four apples juices," Evan interrupted, "and a tap water."
"Wwwwwwhbhaat???" Rowan swung his head around to Evan. "I even brought the mugs."
"The mu-" Evan stopped himself when he realised what Rowan was on about. The waitress left as they bickered.
"The mugs?" Annie asked.
"Oh the mugs, remember?" Richard said with a mouth full of food.
"You remember Star." Rowan said as he pulled out two life sized but still relatively small Lego mugs. One red and one blue. "Last time, we used these for drink." He said referring to only him and Evan.

The waitress brought the drinks over. Evan played along however and poured his water into his comically small life sized red Lego mug.
"I can't believe it." Rowan muttered, "A man of your legendary status, drinking fucking rain."
Evan was a little angered at this, "Well you're drinking fucking piss." He fired back.
"This is gold." Rowan pointed at his drink.
"You really have a problem with me not drinking after what happened?" Evan asked.
"I don't... Ms Whibers does."
"This'll be good. What's Ms Whibers got to do with this?" Evan asked.
"You seriously think Ms Whibers fucking put on the show of her life, rocked up to the after party and asked, 'can I have a bottled water please'?" Rowan went on.
"Probably, they didn't have much else." Annie said.
"She would have had apple juice." Rowan announced, "The queens drink."
"You're drinking like a queen?" Liana teased.
"Ohhh look at you." Evan joined.
"That's not very PC." Annie said.
"Get off of Twitter Annie." Rowan sighed and he got up, "Aight come on let's stag do."
"What's that? Stag do?" Richard asked.
"You remember stag do?" Rowan said, "You know when I was going out with that girl and we joked about having a stag do and that we had to flee the country because it got so mad, and then if we wanted to leave we'd say 'flee like in the stag do', then it was 'make like a stag do', and then it was just 'let's stag do'."
"You saying we should go?" Evan asked.
"Yea its shit here."

On the way to the train the five were stopped. It was that two dimensional polizei on the window of Home Bargains, "What brings you kids to Spring Valley?" He quoted as he came off of the window and walked towards them.
"Well we're all from here, we're out and about." Rowan said, "Might have a crack at the golden rail."
"The golden rail?" The polizei man asked.
"Doesn't matter." Rowan said.
"So you're not drinking are you?"
"Nooo just apple juice."
The polizei man looked confused so left it.

Unlike the other four, Rowan never caught up with his friends even though there was plenty of time to do so.
They got a table seat on the train bc that's the best.
"Stagdo!" Rowan yelled.
"I'm not ready for this." Richard half joked.
"Nah we're alright," Rowan laughed, "we're the knights of the round table."
"They were real Rowan." Liana said, "They didn't make it up for the movie."
"It's all real." Rowan said.
"You do know The World's End is a fiction written by Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright." Annie intervened.
"You know a lot of people are saying that about me." Evan said.
"What?" Liana asked, "That you were written by Edgar Wright?"
"Don't be daft," Rowan said, "he was written by Dan Jones. LETS STAG DO!!"

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