Chapter 5 | Maccies

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They left, got on the train and made their way to the Maccies in Llanllanllan. Out of all the stops in Llanllanllan, the maccies wouldn't have been the best place to go, but it was the closest to the station, and the cinema it was next to had an arcade, so it wasn't all bad.

"This seat isn't taken is it." Someone asked Richard. Richard saw who it was and froze.
"Na have it." Rowan said.
"Wasn't that Troy?" Liana asked.
"Yep." Richard confirmed.
"Wait what happened?" Rowan asked.
"I'd rather not get into it if it's all the same."
"Richard, listen. Bottling up back story can lead to dull characterisation... apparently."
"It's not about the past." Richard said, "It's not about how he used to curly wirly me, how he turned my arm into a flamingo leg, it's not even about the amount of days he kept me at home just to avoid him... It's that just then, he looked right through me. Like it all meant nothing. And I know that probably sounds silly to -"
Rowan slammed down a tray with five apple flavoured fruitshoots on it and shouted, "SHOTS! a-p-l-sh-o-ts, Shots!"
"Rowan!? What are you doing?" Evan angrily asked. "Richard was clearly taking about something that made him uncomfortable."
"It's okay." Richard interrupted.
"No Rich, it's not okay!" Evan went on, "You don't care about us Rowan. We're not here as your friends, we're just here to fill out your roles."
"That's a weird way of saying it." Rowan laughed.
"I am going to get the train back to Spring Valley, who's coming?" Evan asked rubbing his face. The others agreed.
"You know what?" Rowan started, "I reckon you're all just jealous."
"Jealous?" The others questioned.
"Yea! You're jealous. Because you have all your grades and girlfriends and paths, but I have something you'll never have. Freedom. I'm free, to do what I wanna do, any old time."
"And this is what you want?" Evan asked, "You should grow up dude."
"Yea," Rowan started, "...but Piper moved."
"And we're all very sorry," Evan said, "but now it's time to move on, find someone new."
Rowan stood up. His eyes watered.
"I thought I had." He said. He turned and left for the restroom.

"I can't help saying bless him." Liana said. Rowans phone went off again, he'd left it on the table. Evan picked it up and saw who was phoning him... it was Piper.
"Don't." He said.

In the restroom Rowan was gonna draw a dick on the wall but his one from the previous year hadn't faded yet. He reminisced until a kid came through the door.
"Be carful the floors all pissy." Rowan told him, "Wasn't me." He added, he pointed to the dick on the wall, "That was me. Twenty fifteen. Drew a dick on the wall. Dunno why, felt important at the time."
The kid was ignoring him.
"We're doing the golden rail, you can tag along if you like."
The kid still ignored him.
"You think you're so clever don't you. With your bleach hair and thick glasses, well we were cooler. We ruled the world. Pathed a way, blazed a trail." The kid was still ignoring him. "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!"
Rowan knocked the kids glasses off.
"You don't want to do that." He said.
"Oh don't I?" Rowan shoved him back.
"You really do want to do that."
Rowan pushes the kid but the kid grabbed his hand and threw him back.

Rowan swung for the kid who looked like he was at most in year seven, but the kid dodged and swung back. They threw punches and landed blows. Rowan spun the kid around in the small maccies toilet room and thwacked the back of his head. He fell over on the floor and his hair popped off all in one clump. Rowan sat on the floor catching his breath but once he saw the blonde hair moving he stopped. It moved as if it had arms and crawled across the room.

That's when Evan kicked the door open and stormed in with the others following him.
"Evan this kid attacked me!"
"DON'T CHANGE THE SUBJECT!" Evan shouted. The others looked at the body on the floor but Evan was too angry to see it. "You know who I just spoke to? Piper! And not from England, from fucking Spring Valley. Said she hadn't spoken to you in five months!"
"Evan! This kid!"
"Do not try and get out of this Rowan! Not this time!"
But the kids hair started moving over to him and it reattached. The kid stood up and everyone was speechless.

Four more kids with bleached hair and thick glasses came into the gents and lined up facing the five protagonists. Their bleach blond hair stood up and they got to fighting. Evan was taking a few at once going back and fourth to different kids as Liana and Rowan struggled holding them back. Annie wrestled with one kid on the floor and Richard hid under a sink. It was very cramped and arms were in the air most of the time. Evan tried not to hurt the kids, instead he kept pushing them back and to the floor.
"Take it!" Rowan shouted punching one kids head and his hair came flying off, "They're not real! Get them!" He added.
Evan hearing this tripped one kid over with another and AKO'd a third. Rowan kept slapping the back of their head until all their hair came off and they all fell to the floor. The five protagonists caught their breath.

"I can't believe it." Evan said.
"Right?" Liana agreed.
"I can't believe you lied about Piper." Evan finished.
"That's a white lie." Rowan said.
"How's that a white lie?"
"She gonna visit isn't she?"
Evan was held back by Liana from jumping Rowan. Richard got his thoughts back and ran to the door.
"Waiwait!" Rowan stopped him. "What are you doing?"
"I'm going to get help!" Richard yelled.
"No we cant we don't know how far this goes."
"What are you talking about?" Liana asked.
"I was just thinking about the rail." Rowan said.
"Well there's a change!" Evan remarked.

Rowan looked at what was around him. The kids dyed hair. They were twitching. He could here the buzz from them, it was the same as what he could hear from phones.
"Holy shit!" Rowan cracked it, "Its all connected! This is the reason why everythings gone fuck up! Everyone been replaced by one of these zombies, theyre ignoring their controversial past, US. The waitresses. Andy."
"Troy!" Richard added. Rowan went on,
"Everyone heres been infected by one of these fake hair creatures!" Rowan looked over to Evan, "I'm right. Aren't I right Evan?" He reluctantly said,
"You're right." He said reluctantly.

They peaked out the gents. Everything was normal. They went back to their table leaving the mess in the restroom.

"The way I see it, weve told everyone were doing the golden rail. If we hop on the wrong train and head back to Spring their gonna think its suspicious." Rowan rambled.
"So what?" Liana asked, "What are you saying?"
"He's saying we should finish the golden rail." Evan said. He pour a fruitshoot into his Lego mug and downed it.
"Drink up." He said, "Let's stag do."

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