Chapter 8 | Prestwatyn

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The other three did as Evan said and they were on the train headed to the ticket station in Prestwatyn.

"We're having technical issues with this train so everyones going to have to get off in Prestwatyn. I apologise for any inconvenience."
"That's not supposed to happen." Richard said.
Liana got up and stuck her head out the window. Behind them were people with dyed hair chasing the train.
"We have to get off this train." She said.
And so the three hopped off and into the abandoned ticket room at the Prestwatyn train station.

A few minutes later Rowan came through the window and closed blinds behind him.
"Rowan!" Liana shouted.
"Wait!" Evan stopped her, "Is it Rowan?"
"Where's Robin?" Liana asked.
"Oh, I put her on au horse. Told hur to gow." Rowan said.
"What?" Richard shouted.
"Rowan!" Liana shouted, "The only one of us cool enough to get out of here, and you just sent her away."
"Told her to be safe. Shes outo harmsway." Rowan added.
"What about us!?" Richard said, "Aren't we in harms way?"
"Wait!" Liana said, "How do we know you put her on her horse?"
"How do we know you're you." Evan questioned.
"Well howdo I know yourll not you?" Rowan responded.
"We've been together the whole time." Richard said.
"Well you mightn'll not be yu, howd youknow Star wasnt Star?"
"Because she was on her old account." Evan said, "She reverted to how she was a year ago."

"So nothing from the last year?" Rowan said, "Ok, Liana, October second, you gave me a job for aday andai nearly killed you washing a knife."
"So?" She said.
"Show usyor neck." Rowan said. And she did. She had a small scar where the knife cut.
"Very nice." Rowan said, "Richard, December twenty somthing, we were messing abround with drums andai dropped a cymbal on yor foot and it bled foru week."
And Richard proved he had the cut on his foot.
"Ok," Rowan went on, "Ev, July thirty, I pushed you down the dunes and you pretty much lost your finger on a broken bottle."
"How about January sixth, twenty seventeen." Evan said, "You had post show blues so I stayed behind with you downing apple juice until you felt ill and laid on the floor for an hour before throwing up all down the English staircase, at which point you made a miraculous fucking recovery, and ran off over the fences. Leaving me there to take the blame and lose my status in the year, after three weeks after school detention I'll add."
"Either one ovem will do." Rowan said, and Evan gave him a middle finger, showing the cut from the broken bottle.
"Wait." Liana interrupted, "That's it? That's the incident? What made you not popular?"

Evan was embraced so changed the subject,
"Rowan, how do we know you're you?" Liana asked.
"Show us your arm." Evan said. Rowan stood back.
"No." He said, "I dont have tu show you."
"The school show you fell off stage fucking about in the wheelchair and disbobulated your elbow, you have a scar where they put the metal plate."
"I dont ave to showu anything! Imme! Ifai wasn't me then ow would I know that carved into that tile above your head are the words Rowan Aboat!"
"It doesn't say Rowan Aboat though." Evan said, "It says Rowan A boat."
"Aaah well some cunt puta gap in there."
"That was me." Liana proudly said.
Richard just realising the pun in Rowans name couldn't stop laughing.
"Who are you Rowan?" Evan asked.
"I'me, yknow me!"
"Yea, but who the fuck are you? You don't talk to us for four months and you just pop in to drag us down here!" Evan angrily said, "You better start coming up with some hard evidence that you're human, or we're gonna find out ourselves." Evan picked up a croquet hammer.
"You want proof?" Rowan racked his brain, "Here's proof!" He turned around, took out his willy and peed really hard on the floor, "There that proves I'm human."
"That proves nothing." Evan said.
"It proves you're stupid." Liana said.
"Exactly!" Rowan exclaimed.
They all looked at each other.
"'s Rowan." Evan said, "Ok we need to get out of here."

They left through the back with Richard still laughing,
"Rowan a boat!" He wheezed.

The four ran through the trees only hoping Rowan was heading the right direction.

Richard was falling behind just pissing himself at Rowans name.
"Rowan Aboat!" He kept repeating to himself.

"Richard?" Someone said from behind him. He turned to see Troy step from behind a tree.
"I thought it was you." Troy said. His voice very monotone, "Are you okay?"
" what?" Richard stuttered. His friends hadn't noticed or heard.
"I know we didn't always see eye to eye in year eight. Goodness knows I'm sorry for what I did. I wanted to say something back in McDonalds but I felt so incredibly ashamed of how I was. But let me make it up to you Richard." He offered his hand.

"Rowan! Rowan!" Liana was shouting, but Rowan kept on running forward, "He's mental!"
"It's suicide!" Evan said not seeing the irony.
Rowan turned around to this,
"We are gonna get to the worlds end if it ruins everything." He said, "Where's Richard?"
They looked back to see him beating the ever living shit out of Troy and Troy just taking it and trying to talk him down.
"Come on Rich!" Evan shouted, "It's not worth it!" Richard looked back and shouted,

"I must say." A booming voice boomed lol, "I'm really very disappointed in you, Richard." It was the polizei.
Richard was stuck, and now he was surrounded by people with dyed hair.

"I'll punch their fucking hair off!" Evan muttered.
"No dude there's too many!" Liana whispered.

The army of dyed hair got closer and closer around Richard and they covered his hair. And now Richard had dyed hair!!!!!!!

Evan leaned back on a tree defeated.
"We need to go." Rowan sighed.
"Exactly." Liana agreed.
"We needto gowto Pizza Hut." He added.
Evan filled with angry grabbed Rowan and pinned him to a tree,
"We are not going to Pizza Hut!" He shouted, "We are getting the train, we're getting the fuck outta here and we are never coming back! Now you can either come willingly or I'll knock you the fuck out and carry you there myself! You choose!"
"Alrightalright." Rowan mumbled, "Just, think abowt what your saying, cuz they du free refills."
And Evan punched his fucking lights out.

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