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A/N: Sorry for any grammatical error, English isn't my first language.

She woke up the next day exhausted from not getting enough sleep the night before but nevertheless managed to get up and get ready on time.

She washed her face, brushed her teeth and put on the uniform that was left for her.

Her uniform consisted of a black apron, a white shirt, a pair of black mom jeans, along with a pair of black sneakers.

She thought the outfit was rather cute and she quite liked it.

She decided on a high ponytail to keep her hair away from her face and to prevent it from falling into the food.

Once she was done it was about ten minutes away from seven so she decided to leave early and wait in the kitchen.


"I can't handle this anymore, William. She's been missing for more than a week now and still no trace of her! My baby girl, my innocent baby is nowhere to be found and here we are sitting in our house sound and safe while my baby is in danger!" Screamed Emily, Lily's mother in frustration.

"What do you want me to do huh? Do you want me to go around the neighbourhood screaming her name as if she'll pop out of nowhere and run to my arms?! I'm suffering too! She's my daughter too for God's sake!"

"I-I'm just tired." Said Emily as she finally broke down in her husband's arms.

"It's gonna be okay, we'll find her eventually, do not lose hope." He reassured her as he stroked her hair.

"I hope so."


"Good morning! You must be Lily right?" Said a woman who seemed to be in her forties enthusiastically as she entered the kitchen.

"Yes, I-I'm Lily."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Gisele, the head cook." She replied extending her hand for a shake.

"Nice to m-meet you too."

They talked for a while and got to know each other. Lily got to know that Gisele was British like her and that she moved to Italy since her husband was Italian, her husband worked for Xavier but sadly passed away five years ago to cancer, Xavier then offered her to work in the mansion since her husband was loyal to the mafia and she's been working there ever since.

Lily also told her about how she was kidnapped and how she would do anything to go back to her old life.

Gisele consoled her and told her that everything was going to be okay although she could tell that the poor girl's life was ruined.


After a long day of cooking and baking, it was finally time for Lily to head back to her room and rest.

She decided to take a much-needed shower and go to sleep since she was feeling exhausted from not sleeping the night before.


"How is Lily doing in work, Gisele?"

Xavier had called Gisele to his office after work to ask about how Lily was doing, he couldn't help but feel concerned towards her.

"She's doing awesome actually! She's an awesome baker, she was actually the one who baked the cake that was served as dessert today!"

"That's good to hear, thank you for your feedback, Gisele."

"No problem, boss. I-If you don't mind boss, I have a question."


"Lily is a rather innocent girl, she's young and doesn't deserve what's happening to her, I can't help but ask if you can-"

"Gisele, trust me I'm doing the best I could, I know that she's innocent and that she doesn't deserve this but what can I do? I'm guessing that you know her story so you tell me what should I do with her? I'm waiting for your answer."

"Apologies, boss I didn't mean to intervene in your business. "

"It's fine, Gisele. I know you meant no harm. You're excused."

"Have a goodnight, sir."

"You too."

I'm back! Sorry for not updating but it's been a stressful time also happy new Year! I wish you all a joyous new year in which you achieve all your dreams ❤︎ 

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