Fuck me harder

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Fic idea

Friday nights where usually the same, apart from the last Friday of the month, where one house would host a house party.

After class, I hurried to my common room to pick out which dress would suit tonight. I tried on a couple, finding which dress would hug my curves the best, and which dress would piss off Malfoy the most.

I left in a hurry seeing I was late. I slammed the door and headed to the room of requirements where the Slytherins decided to host their party, they where definitely not like the usual parties, they partied hard until sunrise.

I muttered the stupid password they had come up with as the door opened to a dark room, filled colorful lights constantly changing, and teenagers dancing and talking. The music was loud and the room was filled with heavy energy. my friends where already at a table with their drinks as I joined them. I sat beside my my hermione as she argued with ron about a question on the test he was sure he had gotten right. I didnt really join the conversation as I was trying to examen the room, who was here? was he here?

I looked behind me to find malfoy glare at me with beady eyes, A smirk forming on his face. What did he want? Did his stupid dumb fucking face not have anything better to look at?

I look down at my lap, my mind racing with thoughts. He looks really fucking good In that suit I can't help but wonder how he's look without it.

I glare back up to pick up eye contact again but I can't see him. I must've been glaring for too long because hermione was talking to me and I wasn't understanding hee until she grabbed my shoulder

"You ok y/n?"

With a puzzled look on my face I nodded as I stood firm my seat in a trance

" yeah I just gotta go freshen up in the go to the washroom, I'll be back"

I didn't have time to see her ex

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2023 ⏰

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