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Alex's Pov

(Yes I named the main character after my first name, deal with it.)

I really love reading stories in general, I tend to lean towards fantasy like stories that have elements of magic and monsters. The entire idea of people being capable in way that could be considered as extraordinary has always been fascinating to me.

Naturally being a fan of this genre eventually led me to the world of Japanese media, primarily light novels, and anime. I don't have anything against manga but I don't like the low density of words per page and I can use my imagination to envision the story very well without needing the pictures.

I said I enjoy fantasy stories with magic in most cases but after diving into the anime and light novel rabbit hole I have come to appreciate other genres too. I enjoy some slice of life and romance stories as well, to me the most important thing is an attention-grabbing premises and a fleshed-out world.

Eventually I found a long running light novel series that was a high school story that had a great premises and a lot of great characters.

A little bit about me is that I am a sophomore in college and am majoring in business analytics, but in reality college does not take up that much time in my life. Ever since the end of high school I have been taking classes online, I spend most of my time reading.

I live and was born in the United States but have lives in other countries for a few years during middle school. I was never a popular kid in school but I would also never think of myself as someone who got bullied, when I lived in foreign countries I went to private American school in those countries. When you are in a class of 20 people almost everyone to some extent gets along, and as a person who is very passive and avoids conflict I managed to scoot by avoiding notice when I returned to the US for high school.

I would not consider myself a loner, I had and have several friends I talk to regularly in fact. I am lucky to have friends that are good people, I am thankful they are not people that try to peer pressure me into things I don't feel comfortable with.

I have often been described as acting like an old man by my friends, I never drink, smoke, or go to parties. The most enjoyable thing for me is to sit in a nice comfortable chair and read a nice book with a glass of water and some snacks. Sometimes this gets me in hot water with my family since I show no initiative to reach to be the best, I am the kind of the person that knows what they want to do and does the minimal of everything else to guaranty my freedom.

My family is moderately wealthy because of smart investments and a low spending lifestyle, I as an individual also have more money then many of my peers because since I was about 12 I have been saving all my birthday and Christmas money. When I was in high school I invested it in a mutual fund and have been enjoying around a 20% annual return, you could say I live an easy but boring life.

For instance my major, I have no particular passion for data analysis or business in general, but I am doing it because it has a high rate of job placement after college and good pay on average. My older sister often tells me how I am wasting my potential but I think that is a ridiculous statement.

Who on the Earth is living up to their entire potential?

The world is build upon wasted potential, society is not designed in a way that everyone can succeed. If everyone started operating at an extremely high level there would be many problems, there are enough opinions already now without the masses being intelligent and cunning.

Think of it like the military, if everyone is an officer then there is no benefit of being a lieutenant because they will be the new privates. Natural anatomical difference between humans would still provide vast differences in what someone's potential is.

I am someone who accepts these facts and have no desire to climb the cooperate latter become rich; I chose this major with the full expectation that after I graduate I will spend the next 40-50 years working 40-50 hours a week doing something I don't enjoy. Work is a means to an end, to live comfortably you need money, when I look at spending close to 50 hours a week working I think about the other 118 hours throughout the week and how I can enjoy them.

Why would you live to have a job, I would much rather have a job so that I can live.

How many people overwork themselves and suffer medical problems from stress and overworking themselves?

Well that isn't really important, I should get back to what I am reading. I am at the beginning of the next book of Classroom of the Elite, I am currently on Year 2 Volume 4.5, I am really enjoying it and read quite of few fanfictions around this series too. I know the next box is already out but I prefer to wait for higher quality translations then the machine translations.

Right now it is Winter break and I excited to have so much free time, it is good to be done with this semester and be able to do what I want. I am currently home alone since my parents when on a cruise, I could have gone if I wanted but I declined. I am not narcissistic or spoiled but I have been on cruises before and I do not particular enjoy them, I generally hate crowds and talking to large groups of people.

Maybe I have been desensitized to the pleasure of traveling because since I was a very young child my family visited many places to the point where I do not care to go explore the world.

While sitting there zoning out the book I was reading on my phone I couldn't help but think of what would happen if something happened to me, nobody would come to this house for almost a week.

As I was thinking this I looked at my watch and saw it was almost 2 in the morning, usually I wouldn't be tired now but I was up early this morning trying to fix my internet since it stopped working and as a person in 2021 I couldn't live without internet.

To lazy to go to bed I simply pulled up my blanket and closed my eyes, as I was dozing off I couldn't help but see my mom scolding me for going to bed without brushing my teeth first when I was younger.


Some Time Later

Slowly waking up I started stretching, sleeping in a chair even if it is comfortable really makes you achy in the morning.

As I opened my eyes I suddenly noticed I was not where I went to bed, in fact I was in a moving bus.

Well...... Fuck

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