Chapter 14

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Alex's Pov

After the events of me testifying I didn't do much and mostly continued with my normal life, along with writing this story for Tachibana-senpai.

In total during the time I sold that picture I sold 60 copies, that is 300,000 points, 60,000 to Ayanokoji and 60,000 for Manabu which left me with 180,000 profit. Not bad for one picture, not to mention my deal with Tachibana, I will be making 190,000 points for that since I paid Sotomura 10,000 for the photo editing. He was happy to do it and even made a few versions, one that looked like a movie poster, one that looked like a book cover, and a few that had various filters. In all of them you can see a serious Manabu Horikita and a blushing mess Akane Tachibana, if I had to rate his work it would be 9.5/10 there is some blurring around the edges where he rotoscoped Ayanokoji out of the frame but unless you are familiar with photo editing you wouldn't notice.

When I gave the points Ayanokoji was just like.

"Ah, thanks I guess....."

Just what I would expect, I know he is definitely thinking about what he can do with the influx of points. Since he never had to pay for Sudo and got those points he has over 100,000 points more than cannon, I wonder if that will change his approach to events in the future. I am honestly excited, with summer break coming up stuff will start getting interesting.

I will be the richest individual student in the year once I deliver the stuff to Tachibana, Ichinose and the other class leaders will have more points in there possession but it also isn't theirs to use as they please. That excludes Ryuen I guess but that will be more when the deal with Class A in the island exam happens.

Like I expected the rest of Sudo's case went as expected, I also noticed Sudo is definitely crushing on Horikita. He can have fun going down that road, I do not envy him in any way.

With the cruise coming up Fuka has been working me into the ground to get me stronger, she also keeps wanting to "get her fill" since I will be away from the school for a few weeks. I am starting to think she is a succubus with the way she devourers me, especially since she got her hands on birth control pills recently, I don't even understand where she got them from.

Thankfully as I am getting stronger it is easy to satisfy her hunger, I means it's not like I don't love doing it so I have no complaints.

The Zodiac Exam is going to be the first time I really make an impact on the grade level, hopefully I can stay hidden. I think Ayanokoji will see through me but someone like Horikita won't, Ryuen will get more frustrated and maybe try something more drastic with Horikita during the sports festival so I will have to take precautions. I definitely don't want her to actually get in serious trouble or expelled, not that I think Ayanokoji would let that happen but it is also possible he thinks it is more trouble than it is worth.

The next thing I knew I was on the desk of the Speranza looking out at the ocean, this is my fifth cruise counting my past life, for me at least it has lost most of its charm. Being in a room with a bunch of my classmates is not very fun, not to mention a lot of the activities that take up time on normal cruises aren't present or are more limited. This is a cruise ship that can hold over a thousand people with around 200 people between the students and school staff, so not everything is open.

I am not a pool guy either, if there were water slides I would do that but just loitering in a pool by myself...... yeah no chance.

I am happy I made the physical improvements I have during my time with Fuka, I am sure it will be very helpful for my time on the island. Combined with the fact I was a boy scout in my past life for a 2 years and went on the camping trips will definitely make this easier for me than most of my classmates.

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