Chapter 12

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Alex's Pov

It was a week after the midterm now, I had my first lesson in chess a few days ago and it was an interesting learning experience. It consisted of Arisu pummeling me into the ground over and over and give me some tips each time, since I knew how smart she is I tried to not get annoyed but it was very frustrating how she would destroy me and make it look so easy.

According to her I made decent progress in one day but I would consider them marginal at best.

When sensei came into the room today Hirata was very worried about the class like usual, sensei was in a very good mood though so she agreed to tell us now instead of waiting till later.

When she unrolled the posters and put it on the board I immediately saw that Sudo's English school was 46, that's good. I don't know how he got a 46 when he had the entire exam with answers to study but as long as he passed it is good. Maybe now he wont be obsessed with Horikita as much but after the incident with class C I think things will fall into place.

I also noticed Ike had a pretty good score, quite a few students got perfect scores but Ike got high 70s in most classes and an 85 in Japanese history and a 91 in English. I was extremely surprised that he did so good in English, I looked towards him and gave him a thumbs up. When he saw it he gave me a sad smile, he was proud of his score but still lost to Kushida who he wanted to show how good he was so he could confess.

I wonder if he tried to focus mainly on English when he got the exam paper in hopes that he could at least beat her in one class, sadly the odds were stacked against him. Sensei also said he did a good job and was by far the most improved student from the last test to this exam, when the rest of the class noticed quite a few people congratulated him and said he did a good job. Some of the girls like Shinohara who call him a pervert and a beast stayed quite, but other said he did an impressive. The main one he cares about is Kushida, and she made sure to put her boobs in his face and tell him she was proud of him.

When she did that he got a really lewd grin on his face but visibly tried to conceal it, most people still saw it but since he was trying to suppress it I think a majority of my classmates saw it as an improvement. Hirata also congratulated him which he was reluctant to accept but still did even though it was the "damn ikemen", I could see Ayanokoji looking at me from the back of the class. Although he doesn't have any expression on his face I can tell what his look means.

"So this is your work."

I gave him a slight nod and looked back towards the front of the class, once the commotion of people hugging their friends and congratulating each other ended everyone was excited for class.

Even though it is irrelevant I noticed our average was higher than in the novel, the passing score was a 42, I guess the random nobody I replaced scored noticeably lower than me and Ike scored much higher. If Sudo got a 39 he would have been expelled, even if I helped Horikita and Ayanokoji pay we wouldn't have enough. Since that didn't happen there is no use thinking about it, but that would have been really awkward if my involvement got him expelled.

After the exam nothing happened for a little while, I got into contact with Mii-chan under the pretext of being interested in China. When she asked me what I wanted to know I said

"In America people say a lot of things about China and their government but I am interested in what it is really like. I also think foreign countries are fascinating, I can tell you about what America is like as well."

Even though she was really shy she was happy to talk about her home country, regardless of what I think about the political system in China I can't bring myself to say anything to her since she is really happy and enthusiastic. I also don't want to get in an argument, we are both the passive types so it would be a really weird debate anyway.

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