Chapter 18

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Alex's Pov

After acquiring Sae as a new piece I went back to my room and had a wonderful nights sleep, she will be very useful for seeing changes in the timeline later on. Once we get past what I have read in the books she will also be invaluable for my continued understanding of what is going on.

I also have some kind of attraction to her, I don't know why, maybe because my real age is closer to hers than my current? She is also really hot so it is not a surprise, spending my first two months and 150,000 private points to get her to fall in love with me was definitely worth it, if I didn't there is a good chance she wouldn't have submitted to me, well Ayanokoji using his eyes on her helped me if it was intentional on his part or not.

The next day we got our emails to go to the rooms at the time, I was assigned to the Goat Group, I wonder if Sae has a sense of humor to send me to this group. I am happy I was not in a group that would have a Class D VIP, after I wrote down the names of everyone in my group. I very quickly figured out the VIP from my group with accordance with what the book said, it sucks I will have to got to the first meeting, it is such a waste of time. On a positive note most of the people I have established relationships with are in groups with the VIP as other classes, that will make thing easier for me. This test will serve as the perfect place to harvest a significant amount of private points.

I will have to get a list of names of every group so that I can find out the VIPs and go from there, I used what I got from Arisu a while ago and decided to contact Horikita via text. With the credit for the island exam my classmates trust her, it should be easy for her.

I Quickly texted her.

"Horikita send me the list of the names of students in all of the groups, if you do that you will find a good result at the end of this exam."

She quickly responded.

"Who is this and how did you get my number?"

"Horikita you know who it is, now get to work unless you want to get humiliated at the end of this exam when you get outmaneuvered by our enemies."

"Fine, I will have it by tomorrow evening."

"Good, be a good girl and you will be rewarded."

I could see the message for a few minutes saying she was typing but never sent anything, she was no doubt pissed by my condescending way of writing but she is not in a position to rebuke me.

I also messaged someone else, that person was Masumi Kamuro, I can use her very well in this exam. Finding her contact I quickly messaged her.

"Do you want to crush Katsuragi this exam?"

"Who is this messaging me?"

"It makes your job easier if Arisu is in charge, right? I can give you the information to crush him now, how embarrassing would it be for him to get outshined by someone who isn't even present on the ship."

"I understand, what is your proposal."

"I will give you the names of the Class D and 2 of the Class B VIPs, I want 300,000 private points from each of those groups that win. Tell them Arisu needs the points to pay her spies in other classes and be ready for the future, your Class will get 100 class points and solidify Arisu's faction's dominance."

"Give me a few minutes to check with the loli."
"No, you have 20 seconds to respond or I propose this to Class B."

When I typed that she didn't respond instantly, I am sure she was slightly panicked. She thinks Arisu is her best bet to stay in Class A and even if she gets annoyed with her isn't one to act on her own. By cutting off her line to her master she is forced to decide for herself if she says no Class A will loss 150 Class points after the humiliation on the island and Class B will gain 100. If that happens Class A and B will be extremely close points wise, with Class B getting a large chunk of private points even if they give me 60% it would not be wrong to say they have an advantage, especially after the deal Ryuen made with Class A bleeding them of 200 class points worth of points a month.

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