Chapter 3

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Alex's Pov

I woke up and it is now the second day of school, the first thing I noticed after I got up and got ready for school was that I didn't buy any food for this morning. I literally bought one instant dinner last night, well I usually don't eat much so skipping breakfast is no big deal. To not be late I quickly rushed to class, I didn't talk to or look at anyone and nobody bothered me.

I got there relatively early again, only a few people were there and I quickly sat down, I then looked at my phone. I only had 24,700 points left, I know it was worth it to but I think I need some points. While I was walking to school I though of an interesting idea that I might have to try today at lunch.

When Matsushita got to her seat it seemed like she wanted to ask me a question but didn't go through with her intent.

As expected all the classes were easy for me except Japanese history, I literally had no idea what was going on. I mean I could kind of pick up on what Chabashira-sensei was saying but I had no context for the information so it could remember the dates she was talking about but I don't have any relative information in the subject for it to be connected to.

During lunch I decided to look for the person who might be able to solve my financial troubles for now, I made my way to the cafeteria to look around. Unfortunately I didn't see her, in a ton of fan fiction I had read she spend lunch looking at the sea on a bench but I don't remember that from cannon, I probably just forgot.

When I went to check there I saw the platinum hair beauty I was looking for. The biggest problem for me would be going to talk to her, I can already tell she is imposing and to be honest I feel downright scared of her. It is a strange feeling to be scared of someone yet simultaneously aroused by their appearance.

I decided I wanted to put myself out there even though there was a high possibility I would get laughed at.

I walked straight up to my mark and tried to casually strike up a conversation.

"Excuse me senpai, do you mind if I sit on that bench as well?"

When she looked at me I could feel her pressure and I am sure I was shaking but I need to persevere and I did, at least for now.

"Oh, and what does my little kohai want with a beautiful girl like myself?"

I think she is trying to see if I will get scared and run away, she clearly is currently deciding whether I am uninteresting trash or some interesting as the seconds go by. I needed to make an impression to get her attention fast or she will just ignore me.

"I came her to talk to you, Fuka Kiryuin-senpai. In fact I have a deal I think you might find amusing."

I could see her surprise that I knew her name, she will probably try to get out of me how I learned it but I don't plan on telling.

"Oh, what kind of deal does my scared but interesting kohai have for me? Sit down while you're at it, I wouldn't want you to fall over, I know a beautiful girl like me is hard to look at without fainting but try to keep yourself together."

In an extremely awkward manner I sat down next to her still shaking, I need to get this over with before I pass out.

"Senpai my deal is simple; it is more of a bet actually."

"Oh, a bet? I wonder what you want to bet on kohai?"

Taking a deep breath I continued talking.

"I'll guess the exact amount of point each class with get next month."

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