Chapter Five

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Nora was sick to her stomach as she was forced to tie Buck's hands together. He was still unconscious from the sedative that David had injected him with.  Her eyes stung with tears as she felt a hard metal object dig into her back.

"God, you're so fucking slow Nora. Tie him up already!" David said digging the barrel of a Glock in the space between her shoulder blades. She couldn't speak, she was too frightened to.

"Get up, help me carry this son of a bitch." David barked. She helped him carry Buck down the stairs and out the door.

I'm so sorry Evan.

Nora couldn't keep her hands from shaking as David shut both her and Buck in the back seat of his Civic.

"I went through a lot of trouble to get here Baby, aren't you gonna introduce me to your boyfriend?" David asked in a sarcastic tone.

"H-he's not my boyfriend." Was all Nora could muster. She felt ashamed at how weak she was in his presence.

"Doesn't matter anyway, soon as we're across state lines he won't be a problem anymore." David said casually, as if he was talking about the weather.

Oh God, not him. Please!

The drive was quiet, Nora secretly checking Buck's pulse and to make sure he was breathing.

Her heart leapt into her throat when Buck began to stir.

Please, please don't wake up not now!

David pulled into a gas station in Needles, leaving them in the car, alone. She scrambled to find anything, a receipt, a scrap of paper, anything to write on and a pen.

Finding a long receipt she wrote

My name is Nora Joe Ryder, late mid 20's, brown hair, grey eyes. I'm wearing a black dress.

I've been abducted from my home in LA, with Firefighter Evan Buckley, mid to late 20's blonde hair, blue eyes, birthmark above left/right eyebrow he's wearing a white t-shirt, Jeans, and white shoes.

Traveling south towards Texas in a blue Honda Civic, license plate N94z02. Left break light is out.

Please Help us.

She got out of the car and placed the hastily scribbled note someplace where it didn't blow away and prayed to who ever was listening that someone would see it before they reached the border.

Buck began to stir when David came back.

"Oh, he's awake, don't worry bud, your part of the trip is almost over." Buck jumped at this, eyes open wide, thrashing, only to discover that his hands were bound.

Nora looked over at him, teary eyes wide with terror, silently begging him to sit still.

David pulled over on some deserted stretch of road after hearing Buck curse at him for the millionth time.

"Guess I'll have to get rid of you sooner than I thought." David said attempting to pull Buck out by the arm. Nora grabbed him and held onto him.

"No! Please! Stop David!"

"Shut up you stupid whore!" David hollered slamming the door shut to come to her side he yanked her out by the hair and pistol whipped her, much to Buck's dismay.

"You think you can just fuck anyone you want huh Nora? You've always been a slut." David said, hitting her again. Stars erupted in Nora's vision as he turned to Buck.

"Have you fucked her yet? Was it wild? I bet it was wild!" David said grabbing Nora's ass and pressing it against him. Buck was screaming now.

Please just let him kill me!

"It's been so long baby, I almost forgot what you sound like." David said into Nora's ear.

Nora thrashed in his grip.

"David, just let Buck go, take me and Just let him go, I'll do whatever you want." Nora pleaded, David turned to her, a malicious glint in his eye.

David left Nora unattended and pulled Buck out of the car. He injected him again and threw him into a ditch.

"You're so lucky I love you baby, let's go home." David said, smiling broadly.

Please forgive me Evan Buckley.


They pulled into a motel in Baja, why he went so far out of his way is anyone's guess. He made Nora get out, she made it a point to stare at the security cameras, and discreetly form the sign for help with her hand at the man in the front desk.

It had been two days since they left Buck in a ditch.

Two days since Buck nearly died. David was a fool to listen to her, to keep Buck alive, and that was the only thing giving Nora hope at the moment.

David came back, wasted beyond recognition and collapsed on the bed beside her.

Nora didn't think twice as she patted him down carefully, looking for his phone, she knew he wouldn't wake up, he couldn't, not with all the booze running through his system.

His phone was no where on his body, but she found the room keys.

She moved carefully, and bolted for the door, once outside she didn't think twice, she ran to the front desk.

"Can I help you miss?" The guy asked.

"I need to borrow a phone, any phone, please it's an emergency. That man, he kidnapped me, I need to call the-"

"Honey? What are you doing in here?" Nora froze as David waltzed into the lobby. He wasn't drunk, not even a little bit, and he had a smile on his face.

"Look man, I'm sorry, my wife's on medication right now, she thinks I'm out to get her. I'm sorry she bothered you." David said grabbing Nora's wrist.

"No trouble at all sir, just make sure she stays inside." The guy said. Nora looked back at him silently pleading as David dragged her to the car. Just as the cops showed up. Nora breathed a sigh of relief until she heard a shot go off. She crumbled to the ground in crippling pain just as she hear another shot go off, David collapsed by her, blood pooling from an unseen wound.

"Nora Ryder?" One of the cops asked as I laid on the gravel, gasping for air.

The son of a bitch finally killed me. Nora thought as her world went dark.

I'm so sorry Buck.


Hello! A/n here, I'm not good with writing, but I had this idea like a long time ago to write this, so I bit the bullet (pun intended) and did it! I know a couple of things aren't cannotically correct but that is the joy of fanfiction.

I will be doing proof reading fixing dates and spelling errors and what not but I hope you like it!

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