Part two

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Nora could vaguely recall being shot, she knew that much, but she didn't remember ending up in a green feild of grass, surrounded by fog.

"It's shocking the first time you see the scenery." Nora heard from behind her. As she turned her jaw dropped.

Behind her stood a woman with brown hair, identical to hers, she was taller than Nora and her eyes were impossibly blue.

"Mom?"  Nora asked tears brimming in her eyes.

"It's been a while Honey." Nora's mother said stepping closer.

"I'm dead aren't I?"  Nora asked and at that her mother shook her head.

"Walk with me will you? We have much to talk about." She said and so Nora did. She followed her mother without question.

"You have come so far, I'm proud of you, Nanna said to tell you hello." Nora's mother said smiling.

"Nanna's here?" Nora asked.

"No, she's behind the gates. You aren't dead yet so you can't see her." Nora's mother said softly.

"I'm in limbo." Nora confirmed.

"Limbo, purgatory, the in between. People call the space in the middle a lot of things." Her mother said.

"Is Evan dead?" Nora said, her thoughts returning to him, who fought so hard to protect her. She felt stupid for even letting him in. This wouldn't have happened if it wasn't for her.

"The firefighter? No, he's alive and well. He's worried about you. Hasn't left your side since he found you." Nora's mother said. Nora nodded.

"He's a good friend." Nora said smiling.
Her mother gave her a quizzical look and laughed.

"You need to stop lying to yourself baby, the boy has feelings for you. And I can tell from that goofy smile that you have feelings for him." Nora's mother said sternly.

"I can't have feelings for him. I would ruin him." Nora said kicking thr grass. Her mother sighed.

"You are deserving of happiness Nora Joe, just because that prick David told you you don't doesn't mean that you aren't." Nora flinched at his name.

"Are you sure we should be cursing so close to Jesus mama?" Nora asked.

"Look, we don't have much time so I'm just gonna tell you this right now. Stop focusing on your bad traits and start focusing on being happy. They're reviving you as we speak." Nora's mother pulled her daughter in a tight hug.

"Go. Be happy." Nora's mother said, as the scenery faded.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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