01, strange incidents

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KATE GREY AND LEO DOOLEY had been best friends since they were kids. Their mothers grew up together, eventually forcing them to be friends. Kate swears she had a year of peace and quiet before Leo was born. They done everything together. Any kind of trouble he got into—she was there to bail him out...or make it worse.

It was no surprise that when Leo and his mother were moving into Tasha's husbands house, that Kate would be dragged along to check it out.

The two best friends were stood behind Tasha and Donald watching as he attempted—many times, to pick her up bridal style. Nudging her in the side, Leo spoke through the side of his mouth. "How much do you wanna bet that he drops her?"

"Ten bucks says she hits her head off the doorframe before they even make it inside." Kate chuckled, tilting her head to get a better look at the travesty before them. "Seriously, has he ever lifted anything...ever?" She wondered.

"I can hear you." Donald spat, his masculinity clearly damaged. His voice went up an octave, making it sound like he was genuinely hurt. "Very, very clearly."

Putting her hands up in surrender, the brunette gave a wide eyed and tight lipped smile at Leo.

Finally lifting Tasha up successfully, Donald grinned, carrying her over the threshold. "Welcome to your new home, Mrs Davenport."

"Why thank you, Mr Davenport." Tasha beamed.

"Absolutely, Mrs Davenport." Donald dragged out the Mrs in a flirty manner.

Stumbling in the door with suitcases, Leo was not happy. "We get it. You got married. It's getting old." He complained, dropping the bags onto the hard floor.

Swaying side to side while watching the newly weds, Kate couldn't help but crack a smile. "I think it's adorable."

Scoffing, Leo glared at her. "I loathe you."

Taking a look around the room, both teenagers eyes went as wide as they possibly could. "Wow! You got this big house just from inventing things?" Leo gasped.

"You sure know how to pick 'em, Tasha." Kate admired, throwing herself on the couch.

Beside her was a long pole-like thing with a circle on top of it. Curious to know what it was, both Kate and Leo made a jump at it. "What the heck is that?" Leo wondered.

Stopping them from accidentally destroying it, Donald was quick to step in. "That, is my latest invention." He proudly smiled. "Davenport Industries first completely interactive 3D tv."

Suddenly, a baseball game was being played in the living room. Walking up to it, Kate waved her hand, only for it to go through the hologram.

"Okay, that's awesome, you're awesome." She pointed excitedly to Donald, a wide grin plastered on her face.

Trying to catch the rogue—hologram baseball, Leo jumped backwards into the wall. His back hit off something, turning it on.

"Watch the face, termite." It sassed, causing Leo to frown.

"Mom, I think the little voice inside my head is back."

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