12, elevator conversations

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ANOTHER MORNING being spent at school, was not how Kate would describe her 'happy place'. She'd preferably be lounging on the beach, somewhere warm, cuddled up with Spencer Reid—though he's not a fan of beaches.

Yes, he's not real and a lot older than her, but that's the beauty with fictional crushes—they can be a million years older and it doesn't really matter.

Leo constantly tore into her about her love for the FBI Agent/Doctor, making fun of her for getting so attached to him. In return, she'd mock his feelings towards Janelle, earning a hard smack on the back of the head every time.

Here she was, sat on the bottom step of the school staircase, resting her head in her hands. She had a rough night, dealing with her fathers drunken state—resulting in no sleep, whatsoever.

Beside her, Bree was chatting her ear off about her other friend group, and Adam was throwing paper airplanes at Chase.

They were all snapped out of their own worlds when Principal Perry strut into the middle of the hallway, with Leo hopping behind her.

"Listen up, space fillers! This is emergency preparedness week. An emergency drill can happen at any time. So, when the alarm sounds, you must evacuate the building in an orderly fashion—like cattle, if cattle had acne...and braces, and a future filling up my gas tank."

She cackled evilly before making her way back to her office.

"Oh man! I wish had Bree's super speed! Because you do not want to be stuck walking behind cows in an emergency." Adam sighed, putting his hands up in a surrender-like motion.

"What, you know from experience?" Kate queried, standing up from her spot on the stairs, and walking over to her giant of a friend.

In response, the older boy simply shrugged his shoulders with a sheepish grin.

Surprised by Adams want for speed, Chase looked at him with widened eyes. "You would trade your super strength for Bree's super speed? Man, if I had your strength, id just run out of the building juggling those cows."

He imitated a juggler, patting himself silently on the back for making Kate smile with his dorky behaviour.

Bree rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "Yeah, and if I had your super intelligence, i'd have walked away from this conversation thirty seconds ago."

"If I had any type of skills, i'd be a cheerleader and popular." Kate added, smiling brightly at the faces that turned to look at her.

"I've seen you try to cartwheel." Leo added, a snarky tone to his words. "The world is a much safer place without you kicking people in the face. And by 'people', I mean me!"

He scolded, recalling the traumatic memory of her foot colliding with his jaw. She had just joined a gymnastics class—and was only eight at the time, and insisted that she could be the next Black Widow.

Her confidence was quickly destroyed when Leo lost two teeth from the incident, and swore he'd never forgive her.

...but the next day she was grovelling at his front door and he had no choice but to accept her apology.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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