04, dork monster

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KATE HAD DECIDED that enough was enough. She knew that her friends were keeping secrets from her, and not just plain old boring secrets; like crushes, or hanging out without her—no, this was something deeper. She wasn't sure what it was, but she didn't like being left out.

She spent her life being an outsider in her family, constantly being ignored by her father after her mother left. He chose to favour all his stupid mechanical work over his own daughter.

Leo and Tasha were her second family. Scratch that, they were her real family. Despite having to sleep at her fathers house, she done everything else with Leo and Tasha. But, now, things were changing. And not the good kind of change. 

Kate had really thought that she meant something to these people. She cared about them dearly, but if they couldn't be honest with her...then what kind of friends are they?

She done her best to avoid them at all costs. Sitting away from them during classes, eating in the girls bathroom, and spending her days at the library when school was over. It wasn't fun ignoring them. It actually really hurt her. But, she wasn't going to be the one to cave. If they really wanted her back, they'd have to make the first move.

She was standing at her locker, resting her forehead against it and tuning out all the chatter around her. All anyone could talk about was the upcoming dance—which Kate was excited about up until recently. Sure she had a date, but she really wanted to go with her friends.

She had never really had any girl friends, and ever since she met Bree, she had the whole year planned out. Every school dance, every high school party, local ice cream shops and beach trips, wouldn't be complete without the dorky brunette.

Nervously coming up behind her, Chase gently tapped her shoulder. She spun around with a fright, almost hitting her head off the locker in the process.

He gave her his best soft smile, holding his hands up in surrender. "I know you're not talking to us, and I completely understand. But, I need your help." He quietly admitted.

Kate let out a small sigh, nodding for him to go on.

"I, uh...I need advice on how to ask a girl to the dance." Chase mumbled, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "And I can't ask the others because they'll laugh at me."

She blew out a breath of air, chewing at the inside of her mouth. Shrugging because she didn't have a good answer for him, she tried to walk away.

He grabbed onto the crook of her elbow, spinning her around to face him again. "I'm open to suggestions."

"I don't know, Chase. Maybe you can woo her with an interesting scientific fact." A small smile crept its way onto her face, but she quickly replaced it with a tight lipped frown.

Chase couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle at her response, shaking his head with a toothy grin. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Kate."

She smiled back at him, slinging her bag over her shoulder and getting ready to leave—but was stopped again by Chases hand placed gently on her arm.

"Could you do one more thing for me? Bree is freaking out. I think she needs you.This is all new to us, she can't do it without you. Please, just think about it." He pleaded, gently squeezing her hand before leaving to find his brother.

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