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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Bright was exploring the games section while Yo was on call, and his brothers were on the other side of the room. He caught a glimpse of the same bunny kid from the cafeteria and subconsciously started walking towards him. He did not realize that he left the games section without informing anyone and followed his bunny to the mall's exit. Sudden realization hit him on hearing cars and other vehicles, and he realized that he was outside the mall, and his bunny was crossing the road to the other side where his car was parked. After a last glance, he was about to turn back in the mall, when he noticed that his bunny tripped and fell between the road. He without realizing ran towards him, but stopped when he noticed that his brothers helped him and pulled him back. Whereas, unknown to him, Bright was already in the middle of a busy road. Upon realization, he tried best to get back to the safety, but the vehicles were in full speed much to his fear. His bunny who also somehow noticed a small kid trying to cross the road was terrified seeing a truck approaching that kid with full speed. He was shouting at the kid to move who was unaware of it. Even his family caught the attention of the whole situation and was going to step in when something froze them to the spot. The bunny left his brother's embrace with force and ran towards the kid. Everyone froze on their place when the bunny pushed the kid away and they both rolled over to the other side of the road without being hit by the truck. Unfortunately, the bunny hit his head to the pedestrian and the other kid had a few injuries while rolling over, but both of them lost their consciousness. Bunny's family dashed to the place, without caring about anything, put both the kids in the car and shot to the nearest hospital. 

Reaching the hospital, First and New carried both Win and Bright to the ER. They were waiting outside the room with Gulf and Saint who were shocked with the accident. First called Ja and informed about the whole situation, whereas New being strong for Gulf and Saint. Soon Ja entered the hospital with Gun and took control of the whole situation. He advised First to take everyone home for the sake of kids who seemed terrified to which all agreed. After everyone left, Gun got busy handling both the kids and Ja tried his best to get more information about the other kid. The doctor informed that that they had minor injuries, but got shocked from the accident, so they should stay overnight for observation. Ja and Gun acknowledged and were relieved that the kids are safe. Ja informed First via call about their situation, so that everyone at home could calm down. The other kid was the first one to gain consciousness, but he started crying out loud seeing unknown people and hospital settings. Gun embraced him and cooed sweet words to calm the kid. After a while, Gun inquired about his identity and Ja getting the information passed it to the police without any wait. The police called Forth to inform the same and advised Ja to stay with the kid until his parents arrive. Gun after calming Bright fed him light food when he noticed 2 men standing at the door with tearful eyes. Forth and Ming dashed to Bright's side and embraced him protectively. Gun understood the situation and gave them space while going back to Win's side. In a few minutes, when Forth and Ming calmed down, Ja narrated the whole incident much to their surprise. Shortly, Win opened his eyes and saw his momma Gun whom he hugged tightly while wailing. Gun calmed his son slowly. Ming thanked all of them, especially Win who saved Bright. Forth informed about the whole incident from accident to hospital stay to Beam via phone. Kit wanted to go to the hospital, but on much request from PhaYo and Beam, he stayed back home. Ja and Forth were busy collecting information from the doctor, whereas, Ming and Gun were busy cooing their kids. After everything calmed down, Bright saw his bunny who was also seeing him back, but not talking. He was happy to finally find the name of his bunny i.e. Win who was looking back at him with puffy doe eyes. Win shared his food for the first time in his life and Bright also ate the food with a sweet smile. Ja, Gun, Forth, and Ming were adoring the duo with a warm smile. 

Next morning, PhaYo, Kit, Beam, Mew, and Zee dashed to Bright's room and saw him sleeping soundly. Kit cried seeing his baby in a hospital bed, but was calmed by Ming. Yo and the kids noticed the other kid and remember who he was. Seeing that look on their face, MingKit couldn't help, but ask about it. Mew and Zee hesitated, but Yo explained them all the cafeteria scene, which was surprising to all including Ja and Gun. The kids were busy giggling while the elders were adoring BrightWin. But, Beam could not help and notice Gun repeatedly. Seeing this, Forth questioned to which Beam shared his hunch about this Gun being the same Gun as Off described in the past. Hearing this, Forth was in a deep thought, but did not came to any conclusion without any proof. Beam shared the same thought with his crazy doc gang without being noticed by Ja, Gun, or the kids. Everyone could not help, but question what if the hunch was right, but could not ask out without any proof and were scared of affecting Ja and Gun's relation. They were unknown to the fact that Ja and Gun were not a couple, but brothers. Soon after, the doctor discharged both the kids and the elders ignored the hunch. In 1 hour, they parted ways to their respective homes, but Beam could not help avoiding his hunch. 

At the villa, Win was welcomed with warm hugs and a lot of food. He was pampered by every one in the next days and everything went back to normal. At MingKit residence, Bright heard an earful from Mom Kit for leaving the mall without informing, but was soon cooed by other parents and kids. Bright also felt guilty and apologized to everyone especially Mom Yo with a promise of not repeating it ever. On one hand, a family was busy with wedding, and the other family was busy with their regular routines on the other hand. 

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