Meet TayNew

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Inside the house:

Tay enters one of the rooms and pushes New inside while locking the door. New who is shocked with a sudden action is trying his best to escape only to be held again by Tay. Seeing New struggling, Tay shouts his name out loud scaring the other. New gets tearful with Tay's behavior and takes a step back. Tay realizes that he scared New and embraces him in a tight hug apologizing while New turns into a sobbing mess with Tay's warmth. He has been missing this feeling for so many years. Seeing his lover in front of him, holding him, New feels weak and cries his heart out. Tay quietly holds New and carries him bridal style to the bed while trying to calm him down without further questioning. 

After a few moments, New calms a little, so Tay continues hugging him on his lap and starts telling him how he has been looking out for him like a mad man for all these years. He tells New about every single detail of his life since he left. Hearing all this, New cries again and all the memories freshen up in his mind and hides himself in Tay's neck. Tay questions him about his leaving and also about Gulf hugging him earlier. New understands Tay's confusion and composes himself to explain everything while sitting on his lap. He remembers how Tay got mad and broke up with New after he hid the fact of tutoring one of his students whom Tay declined. Tay knew that kid's intention towards New, so he asked New to avoid him to which New agreed, but he continue tutoring that kid as he requested him. The kid caused misunderstandings between TayNew and the moment Tay found out about New tutoring him, he felt broken and lashed out at New. New was aware of Tay's anger and possessive nature, so he hid the fact, but was unaware of that kids intention that cost him is relationship. New felt bad and hurt when Tay confronted him for breaking his trust and ending the relationship. He tried to apologize, but lost every hope when Tay talked about how he broke his trust and left him. New was a mess and started to go far away to avoid adding into Tay's pain. Hearing all this, Tay apologizes him again and again for not listening to his side and getting angry. He apologizes for his mistake of leaving him without any explanation and cries hard. New consoles him and continues his story. He informs him how he moved to another city without telling anyone and found out being pregnant a few months later. He felt scared that Tay might not accept him ever especially after knowing his ability to get pregnant and would think of him as freak, so he decided to not to return ever. He continues telling how he found out about the NGO, met his brothers, gave birth to Gulf, moved to US, and became a successful restaurant owner. 

Tay, on hearing the whole story, is beyond shock and frozen at the spot while New is scared seeing Tay's behavior. He tries to get up from his lap and turns his head down fearing Tay who finally realizes New feeling insecure again. He grabs New to his hug and apologizes again and again for not being there for him when he needed him. He apologizes for being a jerk and leaving New due to which New has to go through all the struggle alone. New feels relieved on hearing Tay and is tearful. After a few moments of crying, Tay realize about Gulf and questions New who informs him about being his own flesh and blood. Tay is overjoyed to hear this, but feels sad on missing all the important milestones of Gulf's life. He feels dejected for not being there for his family for all these years. New calms him down and comforts him while Tay feels better in New's hug. He kisses him passionately that is returned by New and both of them share a heated moment. 

Tay thanks New again and again for forgiving him and giving him a beautiful family while New is beyond happy seeing Tay's reaction. They both apologize each other for their mistakes and ask to forget the past, so that they can have a beautiful future ahead. Both of them stay there for a while when Tay suddenly ask to meet Gulf. They both wash their crying faces and go out to see their son. TayNew feels scared of Gulf's reaction to them and try to comfort each other. They reach to the garden grabbing everyone's attention while Tay just ignore them and take wide steps towards Gulf who is busy talking to Mew. He hugs his kid tightly confusing others while Gun approaches New to inquire about it. Tay is sobbing and kissing Gulf all over his face much to Mew's dislike. Gulf looks towards his momma who is smiling at the duo with tearful eyes and Tay is busy hugging his Gulf without the care of the world. 

Others are once again confused while Forth loose his patience and ask for some explanation for their poor minds. Tay moves towards New without loosing the hold on Gulf and is seated with others. He narrates the whole thing to everyone, but in a meaningful way, so that Gulf does not get angry at him for anything. The moment he finishes the story, he hears a loud gasp from everyone while he along with New wait for Gulf's reaction. Gulf feels shocked on finding that the man who hugged his momma and him is his father. He looks towards New for conformation who nods at him with tearful eyes. Without saying a word, Gulf hugs his momma tight and ask if he is happy to see Tay again. New hugs his kid and ask Gulf about Tay while Tay feels restless. Gulf approaches Tay and hugs him. He says that he is happy as long as his momma his happy while sobbing on Tay's shoulder. Tay on hearing Gulf's approval is beyond happy. He hugs Gulf and pulls New too while sharing their happy moment. Others who are busy witnessing this feels happy for their friend to find his long lost family. They are sharing this moment when KongArt approach them and witness the scene. 

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