Meet OffGun

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TayNew - Gulf, KongArt - Saint, OffGun - Win.

ForthBeam - Zee, PhaYo - Mew, MingKit- Bright.


Off is visiting 1 of his schools for a regular check unknown to the fact that his son studies in the same school. He is making rounds and interacting with teachers and kids when his eyes fall on Win who is running down the stairs with full speed while holding a chocolate in his hand while Gulf and Saint are following him. Soon, Win slips and fall off the stairs. He starts sniffing, so Off runs towards him and finds that he sprained his ankle. He pick him and ask the teacher to inform his parents that he took the kid to hospital. While, Gulf and Saint were advised to return to their classes with a warning to not repeat the mistake. Gulf and Saint return with worried faces while Win is crying in Off's hands who is trying hard to console him. He takes him directly to Kit at his hospital. On the other hand, Gun was busy with his work when he receives a call from school that Win injured his ankle and is taken to the hospital. He dashes out to the hospital in no minute.

At the hospital, Kit is checking Win's leg who is busy munching his chocolate. Off is somehow admiring the kid and feels a certain pull towards him. Those doe eyes are somehow reminding him about Gun a lot. He wants to shrug off all the weird feelings, but his heart is aching seeing the kid in pain. In the next minute, a loud noise catches everyone's attention. Gun, who reached the hospital inquires about Win. When he enters Dr. Kit's room, he sees his tearful baby and calls his name out loud. The moment Win sees his momma he cries out loud calling him "momma".  Gun did not see the other 2 and runs to Win to hug him tight while Kit is shocked seeing Off frozen at the place with tears rolling over. Off who couldn't utter a word since he saw Gun at the door is bewildered seeing his lover right in front of him hugging the kid. Off somehow manage to call out Gun whose body went pale after noticing Off's presence. He looses his hug while standing up from the bed and unconsciously takes a step back. 

Off takes wide steps towards Gun and hugs him tight shocking both Kit and Win. Gun is so confused that he could not respond to anything, but suddenly comes to reality when Win calls him in a low sobbing voice. Gun just push Off away and ask Kit about his condition. Kit somehow composes himself and inform about Win while giving a few medications. Off is beyond confusion due to the scenario right in front of him. His Gun is busy cooing a kid who is wailing out loud due to the pain while Kit is trying hard to avoid the awkwardness. As soon as Kit finishes, Off strides towards Gun, pulls him, and take him out to another room. Off closes the room and hugs Gun as tight as possible while Gun is trying hard to get away. Seeing his struggle, Off loosens the hug and starts questioning about is sudden disappearance. 

Gun is trying hard to get out from the room while ignoring Off, whereas Off looses his patience and holds Gun sternly forcing him to look him in the eyes. Gun is just crying and trying to leave while Off is getting impatient with his silence. Off starts telling him that how he has been looking out for him all these years, how he has been loving him since that night, and how his life changed without him. Gun on hearing all this just burst out in tears and fell on his knees while in Off's hug. All memories come back running, how they both went to a bar on a weekend and got dead drunk, how he confessed his feelings to Off, and had a one night stand with him. Off is trying hard to know about everything, so Gun admits everything when he finds no place to run. He informs Off that he was scared in the morning seeing their condition after that night and remembered his confession to him, he was distraught feeling that he ruined their friendship, and feared facing him, so he ran as far as possible. Off, on hearing all this, cries hard and inquires Gun that why he didn't wait for his side of the story. Off holds Gun's face to make him look in his eyes and informs him that whatever they did was because he loved him, but before he could confess anything, Gun was gone. Hearing this and the struggle Off did to find him, Gun just cried and apologized again and again. Off tightens his hug and calms him down. They both stays like that for a few moments and then loosen their hug when a sudden realization of Win hits Gun. He gets up and runs towards Win while Off follows him confusedly. 

Win, on the other hand, is crying since his momma left without him, so Kit is busy cooing him when Pha enters the room for their lunch break. Seeing the scenario, Pha inquires Kit who narrates the whole thing while calming Win in his hug. Soon, Win feels exhausted and stop crying while Kit and Pha are adoring his cute face. Gun enters the room with Off behind him and inquires about Win's condition. Kit describes everything in detail while Pha goes to Off's side to inquire the whole situation. Noticing the mixed emotions on Off's face, he decides to stay quiet for now. After discussion, Gun notices Off's questioning face and is not sure how to explain everything. Gun just walks towards Win trying to wake him, but Off (keeping his confusion aside) stops him and offers to carry Win to Gun's car to which the latter agree. Off place Win carefully in the car and wants to go with them, so he won't loose Gun again. Gun hesitates, but noticing his stubborn nature, he lets him tag along. 

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