Chapter 17- I had about as much dignity as a bottle of nail varnish.

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Dedicated to: @Reha_em

"Can we have two surfboards, man?"

The brunette guy behind the counter turned around, eyeing Harper up and down and before stopping his ever-wandering gaze on me.

Or, specifically, my body.

He wolf-whistled, ruffling his hair with his hand and leaning his elbows on the counter so that his face was level with mine. I stared at him in confusion.

"Damn, girl," he said, winking attractively at me. "You are smoking hot."

I widened my eyes and blushed.


Boys never hit on me, so this was a first.

I could almost feel Harper fuming beside me, glaring daggers into the guy. "Um... thanks?" I mumbled in embarassment, awkwardly shifting my weight to my other foot, thus almost tripping. The boy didn't seem to notice, and continued to eye me up and down hungrliy.

"Um, excuse me," Harper growled through gritted teeth. I looked down at his hands which were clenched tightly at his sides.

Oh gods, he's furious.

"Can we please have two surfboards?" he ground out bitterly, clearly making an effort to stay calm.

Please don't beat up the guy, please don't beat him up.

"Sure," the guy smirked, before winking flirtatiously at me. "And her number."

Harper cracked.

"Listen here, asshole. This is my girlfriend, so stop fucking hitting on her!"

I gaped at him in surprise.

Girlfriend? I am not his girlfriend.

However, I was too astonished at the moment to say it out loud.

That... neanderthal! He can't just say we're dating!

You want to, though.

As if to emphasise his point, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me to him. I squirmed uncomfortably in his grasp. The brunette guy looked shocked as well, and was about to say something, before he was interrupted.

"Sure, she's your girlfriend, idiot. You don't have girlfriends, you just go through them like used tissues, because you see, you need to have a few more brain cells to master commitment. And I hate to break it to you, you're a bit lacking in that department." A laughing, tinkering voice chimed, teasingly. At that, a beautiful indian girl in a white swimsuit entered the small surfboard shack, smiling cheerfully. She came to lean beside the brunette guy, who groaned and left promptly, looking at Harper pointedly. I giggled at her comment.

At that, she seemed to brighten up, and look over to me. Harper did as well, a look of mock hurt written on his face. It was almost as if the prescence of the girl had calmed him down. I felt a small pit of jealousy burn in my stomach, however much I liked the girl for dissing Harper.

"How could you agree with her?" Harper gasped, over dramatically placing his hand over his heart, staring at me. I sighed.

"It is pretty true. I have been meaning to tell you." I answered. The indian girl erupted with laughter, as Harper stared at me in shock. Mock or real, I wasn't sure.

The girl smiled and held her hand out to me. "I like you. I'm Rhea. Friends with this jerk- " she motioned to Harper, "- since childhood. Our parents our friends." I calmed down at that. Thank god, they're just friends. I took her hand out and shook it, grinning. "Noelle. Definitely not the girlfriend of this jerk." I elbowed Harper, who pouted at me playfully. I just smiled.

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