Chapter 20- "Shut it, Voldemort. You're not so good looking either."

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Dedication: @jennamark


Idiot, Noelle.

Sure, a guy you have liked for two and a half months will definitely change his player ways and suddenly like you. Sure.

I groaned and hit my head on the fridge, my heart still aching. I had just come down to the kitchen after the fiasco in Harper's room.

It's okay if he doesn't like me though. I can just live on my own with twenty-four cats. Oh, and Misha my dog.

That would save me some heartbreak.

Get it together, Noelle.

I stood up straight, stretching out my arms. Let's make some chicken soup for my crush who doesn't like me back.


I hesitantly opened the fridge, glancing inside. I stared blankly at it.

So... I need chicken, right? Isn't that how you make chicken soup?

I rummaged through the fridge, slipping my hands around a plate of brownies. I grabbed what looked like the leg of a chicken and brought it out, before dropping it and letting out a high-pitched scream, frantically wiping my hand on my jeans.

It was raw.

I heard thudding footsteps down the staircase, before Harper swung through the door of the kitchen, god save me, still shirtless. I choked, remembering the almost-kiss from earlier, and how much it hurt when he said he didn't like me. And it wasn't helping that right now, he looked achingly hot.

"Are you okay, baby doll? You screamed."

He's acting like nothing happened. Did he really get over that so quickly?

"Um, yeah," I gasped out, fiddling with the edge of my jeans. "It's just," I feebly pointed to the raw chicken leg on the floor. "It was raw."

Harper stared at me for a shocked moment before erupting into laughter. My mouth fell open, surprised. I blushed.

"What's so funny?" I asked.

"You," he replied. "Oh my god, baby doll, you're hilarious."

He leaned down, picking up the chicken leg. I couldn't help but sneak a glance at the muscles rippling in his back as he did this, and blush when he caught me admiring his astonishing physique. He didn't say anything, just winked.

Oh my lord.

"Okay, Noelle, have you ever cooked with chicken before?" He asked, still smirking. I shook my head, feeling on edge being near him. He didn't seem to notice.

"I have never cooked anything before. Well, unless you count scrambled eggs. Which, technically, I burnt. But it wasn't even my fault! I swear it was the pan. Yes, there was something wrong with the pan. God, what is up with the pan industry nowadays? What happened to- "

"Hush, baby doll." Harper stopped my nervous rambling by placing his index finger over my lips. I tensed, feeling butterflies come to life in my stomach, my mouth burning where his skin touched mine. My heart instantly soared. The heat was too much for me to handle, so I stepped back. I immediately regretted it when I saw hurt flash in Harper's eyes, before disappearing completely.

"You can't be that bad of a cook." Harper replied, avoiding my eyes, suddenly very interested in the chicken leg. "Your mom is an amazing baker. I had the cupcakes that she sent over when I first moved in."

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