Chapter 2- This kid literally just got here.

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My first instinct was to run. I stared in complete horror at the two boys approaching me, a mixture of panic, fear, and excitement churning in my stomach.

As you can guess, I was not very good around people.

Panicking, I turned in a hurry, promptly hitting my head on the edge of my locker, stumbling, and then quickly regaining my balance. Oh gods, I thought, turning to face the inside of my very dull locker. Not even five minutes in and I already look like an idiot.

I heard deep chuckling behind me as I pretended to take interest in the textbooks littering my locker, absentmindedly flipping through the pages. I suddenly felt a spark of anxiety run through my body, making me shudder and fuelling my thoughts to start running wild.

What if he thinks I'm clumsy and uncoordinated?

What if he just doesn't like me?

Why do I care?

I shuddered involuntarily at that thought. Why do I care? I self-consciously fiddled with my hair, pulling at the ends softly, switching from analysing textbooks to scanning my timetable. I almost didn't notice someone come up behind me. I could feel his presence, so very close me that it sent shudders up my spine and made my hands tremble.

"Hey," a low, husky voice whispered in my ear. I winced, startled, as I felt the warm breath of the person flood my neck and shoulders. The voice wasn't familiar. Black-Haired Boy. Hesitantly, I spun around, turning to face the boy behind me.

He was beautiful, even more so up close. I could now see the flecks of gold in his eyes, making them seem even more intriguing and mysterious. I could see the gentle curve of his cheekbones, the plumpness of his lips as I mentally traced them with my eyes. I could see each individual wisp of hair that had fallen onto his forehead, the black seemingly much more intense now that I was closer to him. I observed his arms, lean and muscular in the faded Fall Out Boy shirt that hugged his body, fitting him perfectly. He wore dark jeans and plain black Converse shoes.

Okay, let me just say it: he was attractive. Like fictional character attractive. 

Realising that I must have been staring too long, I quickly darted my eyes back to his face, in which a smirk was etched into, his eyes sparkling with amusement. I looked away. "Hi," I mumbled, hoping he wouldn't register the wavering of my voice. A long silence between us echoed in the air, and it was deafening, despite the idle chatter of the students around us. I awkwardly shifted in my shoes, biting my lip, before turning my head to look back at him.

He was looking me up and down. I was suddenly very conscious of my worn down jeans. Yes, I know, worn down jeans on the first day of my senior year at high school? We had an issue with our washing machine, so effectively, I was stuck with these. And of course- I didn't care until now.

Black-Haired Boy was still oblivious to the fact that I had caught him staring at me. Or he didn't care.

I looked back at Max and gestured him to continue. He grinned.

"Noelle, this is Harper. You know... the guy I was telling you about? My best friend from Dallas? Well this is him. Harper, this is Noelle, Emma's best friend." he announced.

He even had a fictional boy name.

I smiled feebly at Harper, who simply smirked back at me. I turned to Emma, hoping she had finished her call so she could save me from this situation. Harper's stare was making me uncomfortable. Fortunately so, and she was looking between Harper and I, before leaning over to whisper in Max's ear, a strand of her blonde hair falling onto his shoulder. Oh no, I thought panically, I know that look. After a minute or so, they broke apart.

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