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'How did you know he loves you?'

'When he became my anchor, my rock; I knew."

"Wuthering Heights?" She felt the ever-so-familiar presence behind her and the next moment, a head resting on her shoulder. Mishil smiled softly before flipping the pages of the novel.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've read it." "Isn't it just too sad?" Namjoon said, his head still on her shoulder. He didn't assume his soulmate to be into tragic romances. "Yeah, and messed up too!" Mishil closes the book and puts it back where it originally was.

"But when I look at Heathcliff and Catherine and their story, I realize how easy it is to have a happy ending." She turns to face him, her expression solemn.

"If Heathcliff had just asked Catherine, the misunderstanding would have never happened. And maybe, they could have found a way to be together." "But they got together at the end," Namjoon argued, liking the storyline a lot.

"When Catherine was almost dead. Almost at the end of the story. When they could've been together, married, have kids, and live the life they wanted to live." He did open his mouth to argue back but he knew that she made sense.

"When it comes to reading, the story is tragic and good to read. But imagine if Catherin and Heathcliff were real human beings. Wouldn't that be such a waste of life?"

Now, Namjoon was dumbfounded. "Babe, you do realize that these are all fictional characters, don't you?"

Mishil fell silent for a few seconds before saying, "Of course I do! But whenever I read a book, I can't help but imagine the protagonists as real human beings and just wonder! What if they were real people and went through all of the things that happened in the story?
Would it be just as painful as it feels? Or are people stronger than that?"

Namjoon just stared at her explaining her thoughts. The way she talked about fictional characters, it almost felt like she was talking about real people who she knew. How many people in this world had an imagination that wide? To make fictional characters feel like they're real?

"I think it would be less than it is written. Because every other person's emotional capacity is different. Like different types of glass. Some break with the slightest pressure, some break when they reach a certain limit, and some break when let down. It's different for everyone..." Now, Mishil was staring at her soulmate, sorry! Boyfriend.

The way he spoke, the way he viewed things; never failed to amaze her. His thought process was rare. It was rare to come across someone who looked at the smallest things with that great detail.

"Babe, your phone." Namjoon suddenly said as he pointed at Mishil's illuminated pocket. "Oh! Just a sec..." She fished the phone out of her pocket and held it against her ear.

"Hello-" "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?!!" Mishil flinched slightly at the loud voice on the other side.

"I have been blowing up Namjoon's phone for the past hour! Why the hell is his phone off!?" It was Sora, full-on yelling at the phone. Namjoon cocked an eyebrow up at Mishil just held the phone close to her ear, her eyes somewhere between frightened and surprised.

"What's going on?" He mouthed to her, worry slowly increasing. "GIVE THAT IDIOT THE PHONE NOW!!" Sora yelled, making Mishil squeak, and then she obediently passed the phone to Namjoon.

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