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Save Me

"What's Euphoria?"

"Having met that person with whom you were meant to be with."

She wasn't feeling good at all when Soo-Ah and her dad dropped her at home. But still, she ignored the searing pain and numbness all over her body as she dragged herself around the house, sorting the mess she'd made in the excitement of going to the concert. Once the studio apartment was decent and arranged, she let her body drop down to her bed, her right arm throbbing agonizingly.

"What the hell is wrong with me?" She coughed, breathing also becoming a struggle for her. She pulled off her hoodie and lifted her left arm, staring at the vertical bruises all over the tan skin of her arm; her eyes growing wide as reality hit her like a bus!

Deep down she knew what this was and that's why she did what Soo-Ah had expected her to do.
She panicked and got off the couch, lurching from wall to wall until she reached her phone. Only one person would know what she ought to do, 

"God-Damn it!" She hissed her mind spinning as she heavily leaned on the table for support.

She'd been trying to call her best friend for the past 5 minutes. Soo-Ah was the perfect best friend; until she fell asleep. When she slept, she slept like a bear in hibernation and nothing could wake her up until she was done sleeping. "Dude, not now, please! Please get up Soo-Ah!" Mishil pleaded, almost on the verge of crying from the pain surging through her body. She never was a good pain handler. Her knees buckled and she slid down to the floor, her body shutting down almost instantly.

That's exactly when Soo-Ah picked up.

"Mishil, What's wrong? Are you okay?" Soo-Ah's usually slow and boring voice was panicked and worrisome but her body was already too drained to understand that. "Soo-Ah...I bonded with someone." Mishil rasped out, her vision blurring as her head spun around violently. The last thing she heard before completely succumbing to darkness was Soo-Ah's 'HOLY SHIT!' and three quick beeps.

Then darkness...

Soo-Ah's pov

"Say what now?" I stared at the beautiful woman in front of me, not ready to accept what she'd just said, my phone vibrating, in my fist. "No! This can't be. I mean I'm perfectly fine. How can I be bonded with one of the staff members? I've never even met one." I explained, massaging my temples. "If not you, what about your plus one? Kim Mishil? She could've been too. Couldn't she?" The lady said, looking at me, expectant. "Look, Miss. She's my best friend and I can't let you know anything about her unless you tell me the whole truth." I said, crossing my arms.

"How...How did you....?" She stared at me, the rest of her sentence evaporating. "Miss, I'm a criminal detective. I can tell when a person lies." I sighed, looking at her. "Oh....okay! But I think you should take the call. It's been ringing for quite some time." The lady pointed.

I sighed and took my phone ready to shout at my brother for calling me to get him pop tarts, but halted in my tracks when I saw 20 missed calls from Mishil. I panicked. Was she okay?

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