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'A good man, a happy life, good friends and
a limitless credit card; what else would I need?'

"You're acting as if you've never seen us on stage. Babe, you guys were soo close." Namjoon laughed as Mishil squealed and jumped around in the hotel room. 

"Yeah true," She admitted. "But the last time I went there, I went there to see Bangtan as a whole. I was just one of those millions of fans who just got lucky. And now?" She climbed out of the bed and grabbed his arm.

"I'm gonna watch my boyfriend perform like the stage God he is." She smiled wide, making Namjoon snort.  "Stage God?!" He laughed, seating on the easy chair beside the window. "Babe, you're kidding!"

"Am not!" She insisted, getting comfortable in his arms. "Your stage presence was the biggest reason you snatched the bias position." She shyly admitted.

"Is that so?" Namjoon blushed gently, holding her close to him, the golden soulmate healing wrapping around his senses, making him gently groan at the feeling. "So you were sore?" Mishil spoke against his neck, her warm breath washing over his neck and shoulders. The musky scent of his cologne filled her nostrils, making her sigh against his neck

"Travelling is cool babe, but jet lag just destroys me." He admitted, letting the soulmate energy wrap him in its mind-numbing relief. "You help." "I'm glad I do Joon," Mishil whispered, pressing a soft kiss against his neck. "That feels so good baby." 

She smiled softly before combing her hands against his hair. Namjoon sighed in bliss, burying his face in the crook of her neck.  "You're thinking about those comments aren't you baby?" Mishil froze in his arms, her eyes wide. 

How did he know? She did her level best to try and hide the disappointing feeling swirling inside her. And it wasn't a big deal anyway. So, how did he-?

"Mish, I'm your soulmate." He chuckled. "I feel everything you feel. And baby, do you think I didn't feel the sinking feeling when you went through the comments?" 

Mishil shyly hid her face in his neck, not wanting to continue the conversation.  "Ignore them, babe. They don't know about us." He said, combing his fingers through her hair. 

He pulled her out of his embrace to give her a soft smile and mould their lips together. It started off as a sweet make out but Mishil's eyes widened as she felt his tongue swipe across her bottom lip. Ravaging his thick blonde hair, she parted her lips, allowing his tongue to ravage her mouth. 

A small moan left Mishil as he grabbed her waist and stood up like she weighed nothing, all while continuing to make out with her.

Gently placing her on the bed, they finally parted to breathe, staring deeply into each other's eyes. "Damn, baby!" Namjoon said, his voice deep and breathy. He was on top of her, holding his body weight up with his elbows. Mishil just smiled shyly before looping her arms around his neck. Just as their lips were about to meet again; a voice yelled outside their room.

"NAMJOON HYUNG! IT'S PRACTICE TIME!!" A voice that deep and that cute could only belong to one person. 

Namjoon sighed, dropping his head on Mishil's shoulder before yelling out, "I'LL BE THERE IN 5, TAEHYUNG-AH!" 

As Taehyung's heavy steps faded away, Namjoon looked at Mishil with a defeated smile.  

"Give me one good reason to not whoop his ass." Mishil burst out laughing at his words. "He's our younger brother and you have a concert in some hours. That's two, Joon. Don't whoop the boy." 

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