Chapter 18

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Flickering lights colored the atmosphere, loud screams and the chatter of people could fill the ears as they walked through the crowd. It was cold, the night was still young. However, the smiles and excitement of the crowd could fill your heart with joy.

Mikey waited patiently for [Name] at the gates by the Christmas festival, looking at his watch and back up in the crowd. To say he was nervous was an understatement, yet he couldn't wait to see her smile and laugh once again.

"Mikey-kun!" He heard her voice amongst the noise, his name being called out this way made him blush slightly. He could only hope that she would think it was due to the cold as he watched her approach closer.

"[Name]-chan, you look pretty tonight," he said with a small smile on his face. The joyful atmosphere plus the excitement he had gave him the confidence boost. The pink tint on her cheeks as she looked him in the eyes made his heart beat faster.

"Thank you, Mikey-kun. I think you look rather stunning tonight too!" she complimented with a close-eyes smile. He then held out his arm in a playful manner, waiting for her to grab ahold of it. Once she did, the two entered the festival together.

The smiles of the people, the fun games to play, the food stands. It all brought astonishment to the two friends who walked in side by side, they decided to head for the games before looking at the food stall. Walking towards the shooting game first.

[Name] watched attentively as the stand owner loaded the toy gun and handed it to Mikey. Her eyes widened, bewildered by how his first shot was directly in the middle of the target. Then it happened again, his eyes shifted from the target towards the girl next to him.

Her eyes sparkled under the lights, she was amazed at his skill. The way her body moved as she anticipated his next move made him blush, losing absolute focus on the task at hand. He then missed the next shot, hearing some disappointing sounds from the watchers who took interest.

The man gave them two small stuffed toys, one black cat and the other was white. He had the idea of the two being a couple and in the spirit of Christmas, he continued with a joyful chuckle.

Mikey and [Name] shook their heads, the man with white hair gave her a choice to pick. Much to his surprise, she chose the black cat.

After 2 hours of nonstop walking, the two settled on a slightly deserted spot away from the crowds. A plain space with only a few people around. [Name] brought a picnic blanket after she read about the firework show they were currently waiting for. It was a night to remember.

"Thank you for inviting me here, Mikey-kun. I'm pretty sure we both needed the break." She broke the silence, turning to him with a bright smile on her face as she clutched onto the stuffed cat on her chest.

Mikey was in awe. As if the universe timed it correctly, a huge boom sound followed by numerous colors filled the night sky. Her smile was the most genuine thing he has ever seen. He whispered under his breath and called this wonderful sight beautiful. And then it hit him, he knew what he had to do.

She watched as his mouth moved, the rest of the loud booms and the sound of people around them became inaudible. [Name] had heard his confession loud and clear, her eyes began to tear up as she watched Mikey look at anything else but her face. He was afraid of the expression she was making.

Mikey took one last glance at her before she left him there. He could clearly see the pain in her eyes. He knew how betrayed she must've felt. However, there was nothing he was more certain of when he came to the conclusion. [Name], the love of his life, deserved the truth. 

And then the clock struck 12. On Christmas Day, the two had never felt more lost in their lives without the other. 

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