Chapter 20 (Finale)

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If the red string of fate was tied between these two, how much longer would it be until they would find each other again? A love that was never confessed nor confronted. The unacceptable truth is the wall between them.

[Name] never forgot about Mikey, she never intended to. Although, she could barely remember what it was like. He made her heart race, her cheeks felt warm whenever he smiled. However, problems began to pile up in her life before she could ever pinpoint whatever feeling that was.

Nonetheless, she could never forget the guilty and sad look he had in his eyes the last time she saw him. Under the colorful night sky, her heart broke into a thousand pieces. After all this time without Mikey by her side, deep down, she did love him.

The first night of spring was not as delightful as it should be. Dark clouds covered the night sky, pouring an unforgivable amount of rain. It was dark, wet, and cold. As the people ran out of the open area and headed in for shelter as others just stayed under their umbrella.

One man, in particular, ignored the number of people unintentionally splashing their way towards cover. His hand held onto an umbrella while the other held onto his phone against his ear. His white hair flowed against the breeze, his eyes scanned the place.

Mikey certainly looked better than before, healthier even. After discussing a deal over the phone, he sighed in relief after accepting another donation for orphans all over Japan. After meeting [Name], his life certainly did change for the better. Well, he wanted to be better for her, wherever she is. It could take an entire lifetime and he would still not forget her, nor the feelings of love he held.

He continued to walk down the street, wanting to get fresh air after being locked up in his office the entire day. Only then did it start to rain, thankfully Takeomi advised him to bring an umbrella with him this time.

This was until he stopped in his tracks, noticing the familiar street his feet unintentionally brought him to. He noticed the cafe in front of a certain bench. The streetlight illuminated that certain area.

His eyes then widened at the presence of a person who sat there motionlessly, drenched under the rain. He squinted his eyes, seeing as there were a few bags that desperately hid under the bench to avoid being wet. 

Mikey walked towards the person steadily, not wanting to startle them by accident. However, he couldn't shake the familiar feeling of the entire situation.

"Excuse me," he spoke out towards the person, who he has identified to be a girl. She immediately perked up at the sound of his voice, knowing all too well who it was. [Name] turned to him, her hair whipped to the side and their gazes finally met.

Neither of them could believe their eyes, their heart started to beat faster as their breaths hitched in anticipation. Mikey was the first one to break the silence with a chuckle as he looked at her with a soft look in his eyes.

"I finally found you." The girl in front of him sniffed, one couldn't tell whether she was crying a river of tears or rather it was the raindrops that flowed down her cheeks.

Nonetheless, being in each other's presence made them feel like the happiest people in the world.

So this is what she must've felt the first time they met. A small act of kindness bloomed into a beautiful friendship that was full of love and joy. His heart broke at the sight of her, yet he did not hesitate to drop the umbrella and bring her into a warm embrace. They held onto each other, afraid to lose them again.

People say spring was a symbol of new beginnings and it was, indeed, a new beginning for their friendship and love to start again. Although it was Mikey's turn to save her from the pit she had fallen into. Oh, how the tables of this chapter have turned. Even as a new chapter unfolds, their story together has yet a long way to go. 

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