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Hello everyone. It's me.

I know you are expecting an update after so long, but no. This is an announcement or an update of the sort.

Before I start, let me get this out of the way first.

To my followers who religiously check for any story updates since I started writing here back in 2010, how are you doing? Are you all doing well? I hope everything is well on your end.

To the new ones, welcome. I hope you enjoyed reading some of my stories even though they are unfinished.

Now that is out of the way... here goes nothing.

Hey there.

I know it's been a while. To be honest, I don't even know where to start. For the past decade of being on hiatus, life was such a rollercoaster ride. Sometimes it's great, sometimes, it's not. Sometimes, it's just overall horrible that I could die, LITERALLY. With everything going on, I just ultimately dropped everything and focus on my mental health and getting my life on track.

Fast forward, I am now 40 years old, here in Bangkok, Thailand, working as a teacher. Do I still have mental issues, of course, I still do, but I just learn how to live with it. For what it's worth, I am doing better than I was before and that is progress. Imagine, I started writing here in my late 20's and now, I am in a midlife crisis. I guess those who followed me here since 2010 are probably in their late 20's or 30's now. Knowing that makes me feel really old.

I know I left you all hanging with my unfinished stories and you feel betrayed that I have not updated anything since then. All I can say is I am sorry. Truly and deeply from the bottom of my heart, I apologize. Please know that I have been thinking about you all and wondering how you've been after I left Wattpad for a while.

On the bright side of things, a media entertainment company, Represent.ly, contacted me by email asking if I want one of my unfinished books (from my other Wattpad account: TheRedDelilah), Letting You Go Was the Hardest Thing, to be featured on their app called Lure: Interactive Chat Stories. I thought I should give it a try, so for a few months now, I have been writing on Lure. It is a lot different because the story is in chat format (not in novel format) and it has choices and variables. Basically, you control how the story goes. Here on Wattpad, the story is up until Chapter 13. On Lure app, it's already on Chapter 15. I am currently working on Chapters 16-18.

I will continue to write My Benefactor on Wattpad soon, probably in late January or early February of 2022. Just give me time to get myself up to date with the plot because it has been so long and I am probably at loss now where the story is headed. When LYGWTHT is done on Lure, My Benefactor will be the next story to be featured on Lure app.

That is all for now and I hope I got you up to speed.

I hope you all are doing well. Take care.

Happy New Year, everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2021 ⏰

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