My Benefactor Chapter Twenty Nine

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  • Dedicated to All of my fans. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

My Benefactor

Copyright © 2011 crimsonnebula

All rights reserved

Chapter Twenty Nine

This chapter is dedicated to all of you fans who believed in me and continued to support my story. I know some of you were frustrated at first with the whole "let them kiss already" so I hope the wait to make them kiss and confess was worth it. *wink ILOVEYOUALL!

Vote, like, fan, tweet and comment as much as you want. 

Enjoy! No proofreading done. I'll go over it later for mistakes.

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(Bryson's POV)

The trial dragged on as the Elders and The Pillars took turns in questioning Rebecca and Lynus with the same old thing just like a year ago.

Rebecca's family were on the edge of their seats waiting for the sentence while Lynus' family held in a blank expression on their faces. Yet, deep inside, I knew their emotions were in turmoil, fearing for Lynus' life. Though they may be purebloods, good old familial ties still applied them, no matter how arrogant and unfeeling they were.

Sighing, I managed to suppress my eyes from rolling at this. I didn't want to sound like an insensitive prick but was there a need to prolong the process? Clearly, the big dogs wanted to show off their superfluous words and their ostentatious way of dealing the justice system.

Unlike the humans, it was systematic and fair. There was a judge, a lawyer to represent the convicted, witnesses testifying and a jury to decide their fates.

If the humans saw this, I bet they would laugh at how idiotic our kind and the purebloods dealt with our offenders.

I would laugh too and I'm an Alerian.

It was just too incredelous.

"Rebecca Beale, any last words?" Ladden said emotionlessly as he stared at her with cold unfeeling eyes.

I switched my gaze to Rebecca as she started to speak. "Yes," she said softly. "I have something to say."

"Go on."

She took a deep breath as she struggled to say her piece. "Uh...I know that..." she glanced to her side to look at Lynus. "I ah..." Crap, she was losing it.

Lynus gave her a loving smile, and mouthed "I love you" to her. For a moment, her eyes glistened with unshed tears. Though their circumstance was different, I envy their love. It was plain to see that it was genuine, sweet and tender.

Like I used to have with Reagan.

Lynus smiled at her once again that hinted encouragement and she nodded, a smile gracing her lips. That was all it took to get her groove back and spout the words with renewed confidence.

Still looking at Lynus, Rebecca spoke, her eyes still shining with unshed tears. "I just wanted to say that being in love with Lynus was worth it," she smiled. "We were aware about the rules, as any pureblood or Alerian out there. But, when you're in love, you can't help but break it. Love knows no boundaries. It doesn't choose who you were meant to love, " her smile withered as she went on. "Whatever the outcome, I'd gladly accept it without hesitation because I didn't have any regrets."

Marcus spoke after Ladden. "And you, Lynus. Any last words as well?" he asked with the same emotionless voice.

Still staring at Rebecca with love in his eyes, Lynus spoke with clarity and conviction in his voice. "Like the beautiful lady said, whatever the outcome, I'd gladly accept it without protest because I didn't have regrets. Loving Rebecca was worth it."

For a moment there, Rebecca sighed like a lovestruck girl and blushed at his words. Good grief.

"Pitiful," a deep voice piqued up and my eyes switched back to the tribunal. It was Marcus who made that remark due to his evident scowl plastered on his face. "A fish may love a bird but where would they live?" he asked out of spite."See, that's the thing about love. It makes you do stupid things."

Marcus' fellow Elder, Rockilian, put a hand on his shoulder and glared at him."Focus, idiot." he hissed.

The other two; Talon and Connor, looking bored out of their wits, just exchanged glances and shrugged. Dimwits.

Marcus rolled his eyes."Recess for 10 minutes," he said.

 All seven of them stood up, with their heads held high, and left the room.

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