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You feel a gust of wind ripple across the alley, shaking the bin-bags and making the empty ones roll across the tarmac.

You take off your mask, sucking in the cool air.

You could've hidden in the shadows and waited until the weird tingle had left your system but you knew you had to stand your ground.

In fact, as you stood there in your beaten up suit, you noticed that the sensation was getting stronger until you noticed a figure swooping down from the roof.

You go to shoot a web at them in self defence but your web shooters weren't working. The fall must've broken them.

"Shit." You exclaim, leaping to the wall get out of the figure's path.

When the silhouette got closer, it slowed down and stopped in front of you. The lighting in the alley was particularly bad which meant you couldn't quite see the person's face.

Still, they slowly walked over to you. At this point you could make out that it was a guy. To your surprise, he raised his hands in the air and spoke with a muffled voice.

"Look, I don't want to hurt you," The figure says, stepping into the light, "but if-"

He was alive. It was him, you knew it. Your best friend had altered his suit but there was no mistaking who he was now that you could see him properly.

"Peter!" You exclaim, cutting him off mid-sentence, immediately going to pull the guy you knew so well into a hug, "You're back! I thought you were-"

"Wait, no." He interrupts, holding his arms up and stopping you, "I'm not who you think I am... well, I am Peter Parker but not the one you know."

"What do you mean?" You say, his voice did sound odd but you just presumed it was the suit.

The boy pulled off his mask revealing a face that you'd never seen before, making you back away worriedly.

"It might be hard for you to accept but.." The stranger trailed off.

"But what?" You ask, more confused than ever.

"You're in an alternate universe." He says but when he noticed how scared you looked he tried to make it better, "But.. don't worry, we can help you get back. We can even give you a place to stay."

"Why?" You ask, looking at him even more confused, "Why would you help someone you've just met?"

"Don't you see.." The guy claiming to be Peter almost laughed, "You're me."

You look down to the floor.

"Actually I'm not.."

"What do you mean?" He laughs nervously, "You're Spider-Man right?"

"Sort of." You admit, looking up to him. He looked at you as if he wanted to hear your story so you went on and told him.

"In my universe," You declare, "Peter Parker died in... in.. I don't really want to talk about it to be honest. Does it matter?" You try to hide the tears forming in your eyes, "I basically just picked up where he left. Our world needed a Spider-Man and someone had to fill the gap." You shrug.

Peter just gives you a reassuring and equally awkward smile before asking, "What's your name?"

"Y/n Y/l/n." You tell him.

"Well, Y/n Y/l/n, do you mind coming to the sanctum with me? It's for your safety I promise."

You were smart enough to know what the sanctum was. You had it in your reality.

You nod and Peter began to swing up onto a building but when he noticed you weren't following he yelled back to you.

"You coming?"

You sigh in annoyance, "I can't, my web-shooters are faulty."

"Oh that's fine," He says, springing down, "We can walk instead.

He gave you a grin as you both walked out of the alley as the sun shone behind you.

"Won't we need actual clothes?" You ask suddenly.

"Good point." Peter replies awkwardly.

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