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The next day, you, Peter, MJ and Ned sat in the sanctuary eating the Chinese take-away you offered to buy for your new friends as a celebratory treat.

But, you didn't have any money in this dimension so you just got Peter to pay instead.

"So," You say, slurping your noodles mid conversation, "Who else do we have to get?"

"There's no way of telling really," MJ admits, picking bits of chicken from her box.

"Well, when I was fighting Doc Ock-"

"Doctor Otto Octavius actually." The villain corrects, still inside his prison.

You decided to ignore him and let Peter continue.

"On the bridge, I saw this guy on a glider and he looked like this flying green elf." Peter says, making you laugh a little.

"Actually," The boy continues, looking to Doc Ock, "You said his name, do you know him?"

"I knew him." He says, looking to the floor.

"Norman Osborn?" The lizard speaks for the first time.

"Woah, you can talk!" You exclaim, shocked. Everyone ignored your comment though.

"Wait, you guys had Oscorp in your realities too?" Max asks.

You had it in yours. I mean, that was really where the whole Spider-Man thing started, when you went to the lab with Peter. After the experiments got too violent, Stark had to close down the facility but not before the spider venom incident occurred.

You found it hard to believe that the Peter from this reality had no clue what Oscorp was.

The villains all started talking to each other and for a moment, you forgot about how they were supposed to be bad.

They just seemed like normal people or at least normal people who either looked like a lizard, an octopus, a musty coloured beach or a repairman.

"What do you mean by you knew him." Peter asks Doc Ock.

"Norman was a good friend of mine, he made the mistake of messing with gene-splicing which is a rather tricky ordeal. He accidentally turned himself into a goblin by mixing a load of different animals together and gave himself an alternate personality in the process. He's dead now though. Technically you would be fighting a ghost."

I mean, Peter didn't ask for the whole story but even though it was boring, it was slightly useful because it gave you some backstory to build your attack tactics on.

But, you wouldn't need to if he was dead like Doc said.

"Impaled by his own glider." Flint mutters, "I saw it in the news."

Suddenly, Peter's phone started ringing.

You weren't interested though, you were too busy watching the villains chat. You hoped that they weren't smart enough to figure out a way out or something like that.

"Guys.." Peter says, rushing to the door, "May just called, she's found one."

You knew that May was Peter's aunt. You had gone to Peter's house several times to help him perfect his web formula.

"Did she say which?" MJ asks, sitting up suddenly.

"No," He pulled on his coat, "But I can't exactly stick around and talk."

He gave everyone an awkward smile before dashing out of the room and out of the Sanctum, leaving you, MJ and Ned with a load of half eaten food.

You notice Ned's eyes lingering on the box of noodles that was sat in front of you. He stammers a little as he speaks.

"I'll have it if you don't want it."

A/n: Wow thank you so much for so many reads and votes in just one day!! 🤯

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