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Peter 1 hit the Green Goblin relentlessly, putting every ounce of rage he had in each punch.

The fight wasn't even that bloody but it sent chills down your spine. Partly because whatever was inside the body of Norman Osbourne kept making him grin feverishly.

So no matter how beaten up he was, his head would snap back after each punch with a spooky grin painted all over it.

"Peter!" Peter 2 yells, swinging over and making Peter 1 loose his attention for a split second.

Peter 1 suddenly comes crashing to the ground with a thwack.

You lean forwards, preparing yourself to swing in and save him but Peter 2 was already there, standing between him and the goblin.

You couldn't help but observe that they looked a little too close.

Suddenly, you hear a strangled choke coming from Peter 2. He'd been stabbed.

Blood seeped from his wound as he collapsed to the floor.

That was another Peter you'd seen die.. or dying at least.

You and Peter 3 run onto the scene just as Peter 1 takes the cure from Peter 2's hand.

You wondered where Dr Strange, Ned and MJ were.

You looked up and saw something crazy.

The sky was splitting itself into parts, with purple bits stretching across the oblivion and what looked like little people straining to escape into this world.

"Shit is that the-" You begin to speak but when you hear the satisfying hiss of the needle injection, you know that all is saved.

"Yeah," Peter 2 says, sighing from relief that all the villains were gone, "That is the multiverse."

"Oh shit! We forgot to save the box when MJ fell!!" You remember, putting your hands to your head.

"Does that mean everyone who knows Peter Parker as Spider-Man from every universe is trying to get here?" Peter 2 asks, spitting up little pieces of blood.

"If some of these villains have died already, does that mean there's a chance of like.. Gwen coming back?" Peter 3 chokes on his words but Peter 2 reassured him.

"I've gotta go and see Doctor Strange!" Peter 1 says, leaping up to see the doctor as he struggled to contain the spell.

"So, now that the villains have gone, do you think we'll be going back?" You ask, looking up at the two friends.

"Probably." Peter 2 admits, wiping his mouth.

"Well, if we do, I want you both to know that I'll miss you loads, I love you guys." Peter 3 says, bringing you into the hug and making Peter 2 wince.

"Ooh, sorry." Peter 3 says, slowly relaxing his grip.

"It's alright." Peter 2 says, "Worth it."

You grin at the two of them.

"We'll meet again, won't we?" You say, asking more worriedly than assuredly.

"I'm sure we'll figure something out," Peter 2 says, a grin spreading across his face, "We're all scientists after all."

"Barely," Peter 2 ruffles Peter 3's hair jokingly.

"Do that again and I'll let go of you old man." Peter 3 says, still smiling.

You look up to see that Peter 1 had finished talking with Doctor Strange and now had a solemn look on his face.

It looked like it was officially time to say your goodbyes.

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