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The goblin continued to taunt Peter as his aunt slipped off into the background to grasp your half finished fluid. It would have to do.

"So much potential..." Osborn spat, "So much power, but, you are too weak to use it."

Whilst Peter was distracted, Norman, or whatever was controlling Norman, took the chance to rip off the webs that were holding him and spring away.

Max, also took this as a sign, ripping off the electro magnet that Peter had made for him and stealing a reactor from the box he kept staring at.

"That's the Arc Reactor!" You yell, remembering Iron Man in your reality.

It was hard to be heard over the noise of smashing glass and the whir of broken machinery.

"Happy's not going to be.. well.. happy." You mutter, following the Goblin across the open hallway.

You attempt at webbing a barrier to stop him but Norman just tore straight through it. He seemed to be getting stronger by the minute.

He pulled a hood over his head, disappearing down a hole as you watched electricity zap across the compound, turning off all the lights.

"Peter!" You whisper as he shoots past you, following the Goblin down the hole.

But before he went down, he asked you one thing.

"Could you check on May for me Y/n?" He asks, seeming worn and broken.

You ran straight back into the condo, jumping out of the open window and free falling down the multiple story building.

At the last minute, you shot a web to the sky, catching the face of the building.

You push your feet forward and smash through one of the lower levels and realise that you're right at the reception.

Sandman had been through here, you could tell by the sand particles on the floor.

Doc Ock had broken through the window at the top. He had left earlier.

Electro had literally flew away, taking the all energy with him.

And Green Goblin... he was the only one left.

"May?" You ask, walking through the rubble.

"Y/n?" You heard a voice trapped under a pile of rubble.

"Oh thank god." You say, pulling her out without a scratch, "You're alright!"

"Yeah fine," She says before admitting, "I'm a little shaken up though to be honest."

That was when you saw a bright yellow flash outside the window.

"Electro." You mutter, knowing that you had to get the Arc Reactor from him before he hurt anyone.

You told May to wait whilst you did this, you also told her that Peter would be down to help her in a minute which might not be likely if he was battling the Goblin but you didn't think much of it.

Your priority was to stop Electro now.

You web through the city, following the bright ball of energy.

You jostle with him, trying to tie him down with your shooters. However, it was no use. Every web that got within a thirty centimetre proximity of him fried on the spot.

Eventually, you lost the energy to avoid every single one of Electro's attacks and a bolt of electricity hit your leg, burning the surface and giving you a shock across your body.

You scream, trying to hold onto your webs as you came skidding to a halt on top of a building.

You watch as the ball of energy slowly disappeared from your sight.

Night carried on and your injury got increasingly worse. You still hadn't moved from the top of the building but you knew you had to, before you were too far gone.

You let out a cry of pain as you stood up, shooting a web and swinging across the city.

The wind bit into your wound as you swung, making your arms go weak.

You were surprised that you actually made it to Ned's house in the end and completely collapsed on his doorstep, reminding you of the time when you first came here.

You just hoped they'd come quickly.

Before your wound could spread across the rest of your body.

You groaned in pain before the consciousness completely left your body.

You wondered if you'd actually wake up this time.

No Way Homeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें