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"Damn, that looks nasty," Arwyn said as he caught me in the corridors in college.

I still had bruising on my face and there was nothing I could do about my ribs but wait for them to heal, and I'd missed too much of college already to miss anymore, so I finally came back. And anyway, it was strange but since me and Roman had that talk, the pain felt a little more numb these past couple of days.

After Roman came by on the weekend and confessed that he wants to see how things go, I feel like I'd been in a perpetual state of... not happiness but contentment. Things just felt okay. But I liked when things felt okay. It was peaceful. If I wanted to keep that peace, I couldn't stress myself out with Arwyn.

"Feels nasty too," I replied.

"I would ask what happened, but I feel like I've already crossed the boundary on how much I know about you. Charlie said he told you about how we googled you and..." He sighed. "I'm really sorry. We shouldn't have pried. I shouldn't have."

"It's alright," I told him honestly. I didn't have it in me to be mad about something so trivial anymore. It happened and that's that.

"Thank you. Hey, do you wanna hang out some time? I can finally show you my pool if you want," he offered.

"Arwyn I... I know you're into me."

"Ah you got me. Guilty as charged," he replied looking sheepish.

"It's just. I don't wanna lead you on. I... I don't like you like that," I admitted. It wasn't fair to keep him guessing, hoping even. But actually, he took it a lot better than I thought he would.

"Just my luck really," he said. "Well, we should still hang out. Just as friends though, I promise. You should come by mine."

"You gonna show me your pool?" I questioned.

"Yeah, why not? As friends." He winked.

"Friends," I emphasised so he got the point. He nodded and repeated the word back to me sincerely.

"I won't ask what happened but are you alright?" he asked gesturing toward my face.

"Yeah, I'll be okay. Shoulda seen the other guy," I joked knowing full well that any sort of damage I may have done to Henry was 100% gone in a few days at most. "I'm done with classes today actually. I was just gonna head home, what about you?"

"Yeah same."

"Shall I come over now then?"

It had occurred to me recently that I could always use more friends. Dahlia made my life brighter and Charlie's addition into my life had been just as great I was starting to realise. I don't know what I would have done if he hadn't shown up that evening with Mike to bring me home after the attack. I couldn't imagine walking home in the state I'd been in.

Charlie had been great all week as well. He'd been true to his word and checked up on me every two hours that night where I slept on the sofa. He looked exhausted the next day but when I tried to apologise for keeping him up and told me not to sweat it and patted me on the back. Then, he got me another ice pack every time I winced in pain, and he skipped college so he could stay behind and look after me.

When Dahlia would come by in the evenings to keep me company, Charlie endured chick flicks with us while I wallowed in self-pity and slowly tried to bring myself back into the present. He even got up early even though he didn't have a class this morning so that he could give me a ride into college. I usually insisted I walk because I liked my independence, but I did appreciate the car ride in my current condition.

"Let me give you a ride," he'd said this morning as I finished up my breakfast.

"Honestly, I'll be fine," I'd replied.

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