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Exams came and went, and summer arrived. The few weeks before exams had been hectic, and I was cramming almost every free hour I had into revising. Roman and I did end up seeing each other a little less during the weekdays because of it but we hung out with all our friends every Friday night and then paid each other special attention over the weekends.

When exams were finally done, our whole group of friends probably spent two weeks partying almost every night and it was great. We went clubbing or drove down to the beach two hours away and camped on the shore or hung out at each other's houses watching shitty movies with a beer in our hands. I hadn't drunk much over exam season, and it felt good to let myself go and be free of all responsibility for a little while.

But then it all died down a little, meaning we still hung out every chance we got just not every night, because a bunch of them got summer jobs including my boyfriend and foster brother. Tonight, Roman wasn't here because he had work early in the morning, but Charlie and I were hanging out playing video games in his room. And there had been a question on my mind for a very long time that always slipped my mind, but I wasn't going to let it this time.

"Hey Charlie," I called.

"Yeah mate?"

"What happened with you and Naya? I saw you guys dance together months ago when we went clubbing for my birthday. I kept forgetting to ask though."

"Me and Naya? Yeah, mate that's old news. We just, we kind of had a thing that night but we talked the next day, and we were like nothing should happen."

"How come?"

"Well for one, she's going to uni in Edinburgh. She'll be so far away, and we were like, what's the point if we'll just end up breaking our hearts in the end because of the distance. So, nothing else happened. Well... every now and then we'll... but nothing serious has happened," he explained. I can't believe that I had been so oblivious. I really was very preoccupied with Roman.

"Damn. You guys would have been so cute together," I commented.

"Well, who knows, maybe if it's meant to be we'll find each other again after uni 'n all that. She is gorgeous and smart and funny..." Charlie shook his head as though to clear his thoughts. "Anyway..."

"Do you think Roman and I will drift apart because of our distance at uni?" I asked having suddenly found this concern pop into my head now that Charlie mentioned the whole distance thing.

"What? No way. You guys literally won't be that far away from each other. Besides, you two are way too obsessed with each other to ever let something like that happen, I think."

I smiled thinking of Roman again and hoped Charlie was right.


"Hi babe," Roman said greeting me at my door. He'd been working for most of the day at the cinema, so I'd missed him, I missed him so much these days. Talking about uni earlier with Charlie had made me a little worried as well. I knew Roman and I wouldn't let go of each other, but I worried about how much I would miss him when we couldn't see each other as often anymore.

"Hi," I said giving him a kiss. "I missed you."

"I missed you too. Brought some dinner," Roman said showing me a bag of takeaway he'd been hiding behind his back this whole time. I hugged him in thanks and took the bag from him before running to the kitchen. Roman just laughed. "You're so cute with your food."

"Yesss you got Indian!"

"Yeah, your favourites too," he said coming up behind me.

"You're the best. I love you."

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