chapter seven

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I played the playlist that Dream had been playing in the car and fell asleep thinking about him. About us. Together.

[1756 words]

George POV

It was quiet. Almost too quiet.

"Ugh," my phone died, and my music had stopped playing.

Taking out my headphones and plugging my phone into the wall, I placed my bookmark back into The Hunger Games and got up. I walked over to the counter and waved to Karl who walked in the building sheepishly. He walked towards me, hands clasped together behind him, and a shy smile across his symmetrical face.

"Hi Karl, are you here to see Sapnap? He really misses you."

Karl blushed and looked around us, checking if someone was there before nodding. He pulled his hands from behind his back and revealed a small plush Charizard. I squished it, soft material could be felt under my fingertips, and it smelt of plastic. Like a new-toy-smell.

Footsteps were heard walking down the steps in the break room, and Karl quickly put the plush behind him again, "hi Sap!" He greeted cheerfully, waving with one hand, the other still behind his back.

"Karl?" Sapnap sounded relieved to hear the brunet's voice again. Even if it had only been one day. "What're you doing here? I thought you were mad at me, I was gonna go to your house," he gently rubbed Karl's hand that he was still holding.

"I'm not mad. I shouldn't have gotten mad at you yesterday, I wanted you to like me the way I liked you. But, I know that you can't control that, and I would be so happy if we could still be friends," he offered a small smile, his eyebrows pinched together in a questioning look.

Sapnap started tearing up again and pulled him in for a tight hug, "I was just... scared. I do like you, Karl," Karl was the first to pull away.

"Do you mean it?", they both had tears in their eyes, Sapnap nodded. This seemed personal, so I decided to give them some space.

I didn't hear the rest of their conversation but I assumed it went well as they both walked out hand in hand, smiling wildly.

I picked up my phone from the table seeing as it was now at 5% and walked over to the library after waving goodbye to Dream. It wasn't raining today, but the autumn breeze felt nice against my exposed skin.


I decided to go to the restricted books section. Something more I could do, because they knew me well enough. It was in the attic.

A quiet floor, one big room. The wood looked old but well kept and sturdy. Careful not to walk into the beams that held up the roof, I made my way through the large section. The smell of old books wafting to my nose.

I grabbed a random book of poems and started reading it. Most of the words I had to search up for the meaning or read aloud, but I ultimately got the point of them. They were beautifully written and sometimes I wish we would talk like we were back in the early 17th century again. With words like 'doth' and 'hath', it would make for interesting small talk in this day and age.

It got late and I could see a few stars peaking out. I walked out and saw the beautiful end of the sunset as the sky turned a beautiful dark colour. I heard young children screaming and saw them running around. That's when I remembered it was Halloween, and that Dream, Karl, and Sapnap would be over soon.

I walked for about 6 and a half minutes before reaching the door of their apartment, walking in through the café. I knocked on their door and Dream answered in his uniform still.

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