chapter eight

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We looked into each other's eyes and I moved closer to his face so that our lips were barely touching. Creating the same atmosphere as earlier in the café before quickly pushing him off me, leaving him dumbfounded on the sofa.

[1219 words]

George POV

I was walking towards the kitchen and I heard Dream scoff before getting up and following after me. I started preparing snacks, such as popcorn and candy, unbothered.

"Oh come on," I turned to look at him leaning on the doorframe. "You can't just do that," I let go of what I was preparing and tilted my head slightly, "don't act like you don't know, prick," he tried to act mad but his smile shone through nonetheless.

"What do you mean? Are you feeling ill?" I picked up the bags and started placing the candy in a bowl.

Shaking his head, he went back to the sofa and sat down. I could still see him through the door frame. He had a grin on his face. As I was walking through to the living room, I walked over to the coffee table in front of the sofa.

"Here," reaching over he grabbed the bowl from my grasp, "let me help you with that."

"Thanks," he was still sitting as he helped, which caused a pillow to fall to the ground.

I reached over to grab it, leaning over him and almost falling. Dream grabbed onto my waist to stabilize me as I got the pillow. I handed it to him.

"I'm gonna go change," I uttered nervously before pushing his forearms with my hands to leave his grasp, "um, you can put on whatever movie you feel like," he nodded and took the remote up off the table.

I heard the drum sound as he opened Netflix on the television. Walking down the hallway, I reached my room. Closing the door my breathing got faster. I was about to watch a movie with Dream, and we were alone. Only us. My heart skipped a beat as my mind wandered off to all the possibilities that could happen. I stopped myself as I remembered we were just friends, 'nothing more, nothing less,' I reminded myself. I hadn't even realized I was frowning until I looked in my mirror.

Getting into comfortable clothes, a blue hoodie and white fitted shorts, I opened my door and saw Dream getting out from the bathroom. I jogged over to where he was (about 10 feet away) and jumped on his back attempting to scare him.

"Oh," automatically he placed his hands under my thighs to better hold me up. His hands were warm and slightly damp, presumably because he just washed his hands, "Hey George."

"What?" I practically screamed in his ear, my British accent coming back to life, "how were you not scared, I jumped on your back."

"George," he continued walking towards the sofa and put me down before taking a seat beside me, "I have 2 younger siblings, I'm used to that kind of thing," he had a kind look on his face. A look that I wish I could just wipe right off his face. He was supposed to be scared, not be 'used' to it.

I rolled my eyes and snatched the remote he held. I started the movie which happened to be Happy Death Day.


A few movies have played and passed. As well as half of the candy, we gave some candy when two trick or treaters came by, but most of it was gone because we ate it. We took a quick intermission because Dream had to go to the bathroom again.

As I was tidying up our spot, a song started playing and a hand found its way to my shoulder, turning me around, "may I have this dance?" I could see the reflection of the moon in Dream's eyes, as well as plenty of bright stars. It matched his ivory teeth beautifully.

I chuckled as he held out his hand, waiting for me to grab it. So I did, and we danced around the living room. Stepping on each other's feet, stumbling into furniture sometimes, and overall just being chaotic as well as having fun.

The song had gotten to its end. A softer, slower song started playing. I recognized it to be Patrick Watson's; Je te laisserai des mots.

[play the song at the top now if you want bb ;^]

His hands, which were previously laced on my upper back and the other out to the left with my own, both moved to my waist, mine moving to his shoulders. I always loved the intro to this song. Dream's humming along only made it better.

It was beautiful, and sounded heavenly. I'd never heard him sing sincerely before, but now I wished it was the only thing I heard all the time.

My hands were almost clasped together. After what felt like 10 seconds, but what was, in reality, a minute, of staring into each other's eyes the soft, french, angelic singing began.

Je te laisserai des mots
En-dessous de ta porte

I lay my head on his chest, getting comfortable, and listening to his heartbeat. I could hear it speeding up, no doubt mine was too. I removed my head to make eye contact with him.

En-dessous des murs qui chantent
Tout près de la place où tes pieds passent

Like I assumed, he was blushing and avoiding eye contact.

Cachés dans les trous de ton divan
Et quand tu es seule pendant un instant

I couldn't help but smile fondly at the moment unravelling before my eyes. I turned his face towards mine.

Quand tu voudras

Looking up into his eyes I carefully stood on the tip of my toes.

Quand tu voudras

I hesitantly placed a small peck on his lips, my own cheeks housing a deep blush as well.

Quand tu voudras

As I started slowly pulling away, I felt a hand caress my cheek and our lips met once again. This time it was longer and made me feel like I was a feather. The only thing keeping me from floating away was him. Dream.

His lips were soft and gentle like they felt that night he slept over. But this time instead of my forehead, it was my own lips that they made contact with.

The song ended and another song started playing, but the only thing I could hear was my own heartbeat thumping loudly up my throat and ringing in my ears. My hands roamed up to his hair, as our lips moved in sync. I slowly backed up, pulling him along with me by his collar, until we hit the wall softly.

We pulled away to breathe. Dream looked as though he were searching my face. For what? I didn't know. We were both quiet and he sneaked another soft kiss before he pressed his forehead against my own. A smile grew on both of our flushed faces.

"I thought we weren't dating?" Dream half-joked.

I rolled my eyes playfully and continued to play with his soft, fluffy, hair, "maybe I just couldn't wait," I offered. I wouldn't even mind admitting, I was falling. Hard.

A genuine smile danced across his face as he lay his head on my shoulder, his arms always wrapped around my torso. He gently kissed my neck a few times before pulling me back onto the sofa.



this is so adorable i might die 🧍

umm second chapter getting posted today, also writing the last chapter tonight so woo !!

- lilo<3

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