chapter fifteen [final chapter]

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I quickly got back to work, waiting impatiently for my shift to end.

[1680 words]

George POV

I briskly walked home, passing by concerned parents, and their children. I ignored them and nearly slipped on ice, but continued until I reached the entrance level of my flat. I went to press the button for the elevator and only now realized that my hand was shaking.

I made it up to my flat and opened the door. When I closed it I immediately collapsed to the floor, and let out a long breath I didn't know I was holding, 'I should really get that checked out, I feel like I should know when I'm holding my breaths and when I'm not-' I shook my head and gathered my thoughts before they wandered off again.

Going through my closet I started to doubt myself, 'should I even be going? I mean, he could just feel bad for me. What if it's all a prank? I can't-' I felt Cat rub up against my leg and couldn't help the smile that tugged at my lips as I pet them. My thoughts melted away, and I made my way to my closet.

I didn't have any nice clothes. I kept on searching and finally found some black pants from years ago. I stripped off my previous pants and tried these new ones on. They fit nicely, and it's times like these that I appreciate my habit of not throwing anything away. I found a few nice shirts but couldn't decide on just one. I decided to call the only person that knew Dream better than himself.

Dream POV

George left rather quickly, I didn't remember his response. If he even gave one. Either way, I had a lot of planning to do. The café closed at 18:45 [6:45pm]. I tried to call Sapnap and asked where he was. He said he was just upstairs, so he came down and took over while I went to get prepared. Peach was on the phone with someone, so I grabbed Karl and asked him for his opinion on my clothing.

It was 19:00 [7pm] and I had finally chosen a decent outfit, with some help from my friend. Together, we picked out black pants, with a white collared shirt and dark green sweater on top. It was comfortable, and sure to keep me warm even if George didn't show up.

"God, how I hoped he would show up."

"Oh my god, dad, continue."

I only had an hour left, so quickly I went around and grabbed all the candles we had. All the long skinny ones; the nearly burnt-out short ones; the green, blue, and red ones; the unscented and cocoa ones. Anything that would help light up the area. Peach was finally off the phone, but left not 5 minutes later. I rolled my eyes, 'I could've really used their help.'

Sapnap got some lighters, and helped Karl with making our supper that me and George would eat at the library. If he came, that is.

The nerves were getting to be too much. My stomach twisted and I felt like my lunch was gonna jump out. I couldn't sit still, my legs were shaky, as well as my hands, I couldn't- I can't-

Sapnap stood over me and I could hear light footsteps. I was lying on the ground, a pillow under my head, when Karl came over with a wet cloth and placed it on my forehead.

"What happened," my voice cracked and my throat was dry.

"I think you passed out bro," Sapnap answered. Karl held his shoulder looking over at me worried, "you sure you're gonna be good?" He continued.

I nodded and lifted my head up, I was still a bit dizzy but fine. I'd passed out before when I became really anxious, it was practically normal at this point. Karl went back to the kitchen and Sapnap left as well. I sat on the sofa and put my head in my hands.

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