chapter eleven

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So.. George and Peach are gonna meet today? Right now? O-ok. Alright.

[1471 words]

Peach POV

Dream stopped in his tracks. I heard an unfamiliar voice screaming loud enough for it to sound as if he were right here, beside me. 'So loud,' I cringed.

"Who is it?" I asked Dream with a curious tone. He was most likely lost in his thoughts. When I spoke he looked taken aback and turned around rather quickly.

"Oh um it's.." he looked to the ground, avoiding eye contact. I patiently waited but my curiosity was about to overflow, "George. His name is George," was all he said.

I raised my eyebrows and he started explaining, "[one explanation later]...and that's why I didn't tell you. It's just so complicated right now, I didn't want to trouble you with it."

I pulled Dream into a tight hug and felt him relax against me as I heard a sigh of relief escape his lips.


Dream POV

I sighed and wrapped my arms around Peach's waist, hugging them back. It was a short hug, but comforting. I pulled apart first and my hand made its way to the large door knob, twisting it quickly. It felt cold under my warm and clammy palm, I was trying to just rip off the band-aid.

George turned his head and smiled brightly at me. His eyes were red, cheeks tear-stained, as if he were crying earlier. My heart broke at the sight. His eyes travelled to Peach and he jumped up from the sofa, making his way towards us.

My heart was lodged in my throat, breaths becoming uneven as I wondered how the two would interact with one another. Sap and Karl looked over at us and decided to get up as well, coming to say hi to Peach.

A long silence continued as George and Peach made eye contact. I wasn't sure if everyone was as nervous as me, or if I was overreacting. But this was a big moment for me, and hopefully for them as well. I hoped they would like each other, the best scenario is that maybe they even become friends.

My hopes were high, and I knew it well. I could feel it graze the ceiling, touching the light and getting burnt. Hands curling into fists, carving crescent shaped figures in my palm. My knees buckled under the pressure, I only now realised they boar.

"Why is everybody watching us," George leant closer to Peach's ear and half-whispered, half-giggled.

"I don't know," they replied, both giggling now.

I felt the muscles in my shoulders, fingers, legs, face, and the rest of my body relax. A small smile formed and George locked eyes with me, the crinkles showing as they always did. He was happy. Sincerely happy. Sap pulled Peach to the side and started showing them his Pokémon cards. Karl glued to his hip, arms interlocked.


George POV

'Who-.. Who the fuck was that? Was it Dream's friend? They seem to be close... maybe he's dating Dream.' my smile wavered, but it quickly grew as I locked my eyes on the man who was already looking back. I walked over to him but he had averted his gaze to Sap, Karl, and the friend that Dream brought with him. Sapnap seemed to be talking about his Pokémon collection, Karl smiling fondly while staring at the raven-haired boy, and Dream's friend gushing over a sparkly Charizard or something. 'I should really learn his name,' I decided, finally having made it towards the blond who was leaning on the counter with his elbow.

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