Diagon Alley

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        I passed through various fireplaces as I thumped onto one of them, I came out and saw a pale hand holding out for me. I peered up to see a cute boy of my age, holding out his hand. He had stormy bluish grey eyes and platinum blonde hair, gelled up, as if he had used up a whole bottle. His gelled hair only made him look like some oldie arse. I took his hand and got up.
        "It's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy."said the boy.
        "It Katherine, Katherine Bellindariamara."I said shaking his hand. Minerva had strictly instructed me to not utter my last name in front of people, until my sorting ceremony. He smiled. I saw a man with platinum blonde hair, who looked like an older version of Draco, and a woman with blonde yet black hair, coming towards us.
        "And who is this Draco?"asked the man as he smiled.
        "Katherine. We just met."said Draco. Meanwhile I was noting the interior of the pub. It was very dark and shabby. A few old women were sitting in a corner, drinking tiny glasses of sherry. One of them was smoking a long pipe. A little man in a top hat was talking to the old barman, who was quite bald and looked like a gummy walnut. The older Draco version held out his hand.
        "Lucius Malfoy."he said."I assume you are here for the school supplies. May I ask where your parents are?"
        "They're dead."I smiled glumly. His emotions went blank dead, as he smiled glumly.
        "Am sorry."he said with sincerity. We went to a room beside, and saw barrels of meade. Hmm. Mr. Malfoy took out his wand from his snake cane, and tapped the wall three times with the point of his wand. The brick he had touched quivered – it wriggled – in the middle, a small hole appeared- and grew wider and wider - soon we were facing a gigantic archway, on a cobbled street that twisted and turned out of sight."This children is known as Diagon Alley. First stop is Gringott's Winzard's Bank of course."he said. Soon we were walking through the cobbled street. I smiled with amazement. The sun shone brightly on a stack of cauldrons outside the nearest shop. Cauldrons – All Sizes – Copper, Brass, Pewter, Silver – Self-Stirring – Collapsible said a sign hanging over them. In one corner, I saw Malfoy's Apothecary. Is that one of Malfoy family's?! Mr. Malfoy noted my expression and nodded his head in agreement. "You shall buy your potions supplies from here."he said . Of course, Malfoys buy from Malfoys. I tried looking everywhere in amazement, as the Malfoys laughed at my excitement - the shops, the things outside them, the people doing their shopping. A plump woman outside another apothecary’s was shaking her head as they passed, saying, ‘Dragon liver, sixteen 
Sickles an ounce, they’re mad ...’ A low, soft hooting came from a dark shop with a sign saying Eeylops Owl Emporium – Tawny, Screech, Barn, Brown and Snowy. Several boys of Draco's and my age, were staring at the new broom in display - at the new Nimbus 2000. 
        "Look! It's a racing broom!"said a boy.
        "Wow! Look at it! The new Nimbus 2000! It's the fastest model yet!"said another. Mr. Malfoy gave Draco a Don't worry, I shall buy one for you, even if it's against the rules look. I bet, Albus and Minerva would banish me with the banishing spell, before even buying me one. But so what, I don't need  broom to fly. Soon we came in front of a snowy-white building which towered over the other little shops. Standing beside its burnished bronze doors, wearing a uniform of scarlet and gold, was – a goblin.The goblin was about a head shorter than Draco and me. He had a swarthy, clever face, a pointed beard and,very long fingers and feet. He bowed as we walked inside. Now we were facing a second pair of doors, silver this time, with words engraved upon them: 
Enter, stranger, but take heed 
Of what awaits the sin of greed,
For those who take, but do not earn, 
Must pay most dearly in their turn, 
So if you seek beneath our floors 
A treasure that was never yours, 
Thief, you have been warned, beware 
Of finding more than treasure there. 

        "Like we'd be  mad nutters to try an’ rob it," I said making the Malfoys snicker with laughter. Draco coughed to hide his laugter along with Mr. Malfoy as Mrs. Malfoy hid hers with her hand on her mouth.A pair of goblins bowed to us through the silver doors and we were in a vast marble hall. About a hundred more goblins were sitting on high stools behind a long counter, scribbling in large ledgers, weighing coins on brass scales, examining precious stones through eyeglasses. There were too many doors to count leading off the hall, and yet more goblins were showing people in and out of these. The Malfoys and I made for the counter. 
        "Mr.....Mr....Mist...Mister Malfoy................Mis.............Mises Malfoy.......................an....................and Mas............ter Malfoy...................."he stammered. "Morn..........morning.............."greeted the goblin. He then noted me, and as soon as he met my eyes, he gave a genuine smile."Ah, Miss Katherine."he smiled with delight.
        "Hello"I greeted like he was Fang, Hagrid's pet dog.
        "We've come to withdraw some money out of Master Draco Malfoy's vault, along with............Miss Katherine................"he sneered to the goblin. I look curiously at Mr. Malfoy. Why was the goblin scared like shit of the Malfoys, and not of me?He gave the key to the goblin, as I laid the shiny ruby studded platinum key to the goblin. He examined it, and called another goblin.
        "Gornuk!"he said as another goblin came. He was old too."Take the Malfoys, and the girl to their vaults."he said giving the goblin our keys. We followed the goblin, as Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy went and sat on one cart, and Draco and I sat in another, along with the goblin. It was a whirlpool of a ride. I caught Draco's waist tightly clinging on him to avoid falling.

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