Quidditch Lessons With Oliver

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        We were going to be expelled. I knew it, that Minerva would transfer me to another magic school, but what about brother. He'd have to return to those ghastly muggle relatives of ours that he'd spoken to Ron and me, about! What would happen with him? I was worried for him. If only Malfoy hadn't picked up that remembrall, or teased me or taunted us, then these events would never have happened.
        McGonagall was sweeping along without even looking at us ; we would simply jog to keep up with her. Now we’d done it. I would be tranferred to another school and as for Harry, he hadn’t even lasted  two weeks. He’d be packing his bags in ten minutes. What would the Dursleys say when he turned up on the doorstep? Minerva simply ignored us, and wrenched open the doors, as she swept through the corridors.Professor McGonagall stopped outside a classroom. She opened the door and poked her head inside. Inside the class, creepy Quirell was teaching a fifth year class.
        "You both wait here."she instructed.
        "...this is an ingredient in... "said Quirell as he held a chameleon teaching the class. Minerva, peeked inside the class, as Harry trembled.
        "Professor Quirrell, excuse me. Excuse me, could I borrow Wood for a moment, please?"she asked him.
        "Well, yes of course."stuttered Quirell.Oliver came out as Quirell went on "And the vampire b.......bat"he stuttered as the iguana chameleon roared. Minerva strutted as she led us to another classroom. Oliver looked at my brother curiously, as he gave me the what have you done this time Kat? look. Minerva led us inside an empty classroom, as she closed the door.
        "‘Potter, this is Oliver Wood. Wood – I’ve found you a Seeker, and a Chaser."beamed Minerva. Me chaser, wow. Oliver's face changed to that of delight.
        "Are you serious Professor?"he asked.
        "Absolutely,"said Professor McGonagall crisply. "The boy’s a natural. I’ve never seen anything like it. Was that your first time on a broomstick, Potter?"she asked as Harry nodded his head."He caught that thing in his hand after a fifty-foot dive,"she said with pride."Didn’t even scratch himself. Charlie Weasley couldn’t have done it. As for Katherine, you've seen her play Quidditch ever since she rode a broom."she said. Oliver's face changed to utter delight.He knew, I've watched Quidditch matches, so he turned towards Harry.
        "Ever seen a game of Quidditch, Potter?"he asked excitedly. 
        "Wood is the captain of the Gryffindor team,"Professor McGonagall explained.
        "He’s just the build for a Seeker, too," said Wood, now walking around Harry and staring at him. "Light – speedy – we’ll have to get him a decent broom, Professor – a Nimbus Two Thousand or a Cleansweep Seven, I’d say, "he said, as he began to examine me,"and she's a perfect build for a chaser, tall, slim, buxom yet light and flexible. She too will need a decent broom, same recommendation."he said.
        "I shall speak to Professor Dumbledore and see if we can’t bend the first-year rule. Heaven knows, we need a better team than last year. Flattened in that last match by Slytherin, I couldn’t look Severus Snape in the face for weeks .."she said. She turned to look sternly at us. I simply rolled my eyes."Am  afraid Katherine, that you will be a reserve player for now, since Alicia has not dropped down. But I want to hear you two’re training hard, Potters, or I may change my mind about punishing you."she said.I smirked as Harry nodded his head with fright."Your father would have been proud,"she said. "He was an excellent Quidditch player himself."she added, as I went glum.
        That evening, Harry, Ron and I joined in discussing ourselves getting into the team. Apparently, we didn't have to keep the secret. Oli wasn't able to keep his damn little mouth shut, and must have blabbered to the whole of Hogwarts, and now, even the ghosts were discussing the news between each other.
        "Have you heard? Harry Potter's the new Gryffindor Seeker. I always knew he'd do well!"he said."As for Katherine, I knew she had it in her. She is the reserved player of the team, and lemme tell you, she is no weakling."said Nearly Headless Nick, since someone had unsuccessfully beheaded him. And now, his neck, was like a lever of flesh. 
        "Seeker? Reserved player? But first years never make the house teams! You two must be the youngest Quidditch players in... "said Ron as Harry finished for him, as he beamed at me with pride written all over his face.
        "A century, according to McGonagall."said Harry.
        "Professor McGongall, Harry. It's Professor McGonagall."I corrected him. Ron was so amazed, so impressed, he just walked and gaped at 
        "We start training tomorrow," said Harry. "Only don’t tell anyone, Wood wants to keep it a secret." Is it a secret. The ghosts are even discussing the topic brother.Fred and George Weasley now came into the hall, spotting us and hurried over. 
        "Well done, Harry and Katherine! Wood's just told us! "said George. I gave the boys a told you so look.
        "Fred and George are on the team, too. Beaters."I explained, on their behalf.
        "Our job is to make sure that you two don't get bloodied up too bad. Can't make any promises, of course. Rough game, Quidditch."said Fred. Thanks a bunch Frederick Fabion Weasley.
        "Brutal! But, no one's died in years. Someone will vanish, occasionally."said George, as he completed what Fred meant to say. Honestly, these two.
        "But, they'll turn up in a month or two!"completed Fred, as Harry got creeped out. Ron must have noted this as he consoled him.
        "Oh, go on, Harry! Quidditch is great. Best game there is, and you'll be great, too!"said Ron.
        "But, I've never even played Quidditch! What if I make a fool of myself?"said brother going all nervous.Suddenly Hermione came up to us, as if she had a new information to share.Am sure, this witch friend of mine, must have heard my brother's word of fear and anxiety. And my suspicions were confirmed by the words that tumbled out of her mouth.
        "You won't make a fool of yourself."she said.
        "It's in our blood."I completed for Hermione. We pulled Harry and Ron to the Trophy room, as we pulled them in front of a glass case, where adorned was the Quidditch house cup of the 1980s....................................the time of our parents....or what the teachers called as the Marauders's era.Hermione and I pointed to the Quidditch house cup, to our father's name. On the plaque of the cup were written the names of the players of the Quidditch team......................with James Charleson Potter, Seeker. Harry touched the glasscase, with emotions swelling inside him, to be proud to be the son of such a player.
        "Whoa! Harry and Katherine, you two never told me your father was a seeker, too! "said Ron.
        "I... didn't know"said Harry emotionally.
        "I did............but I wanted you to know, before Ron did brother."I said, as we sibling hugged each other. After dinner, we were going up to the Gryfindor tower, when I somehow, zoned out, and Ron and Harry, being the idiots that they are took us to the wrong staircase. Tell you why, because being in this castle for ten years since now, has made me memorize which staircase changed when and in what direction. As usual the boys were bitching about Hermione, right in front of her.
        "Katherine, I get it, she was in this castle since one year old. But the other one! I'm telling you, it's spooky! She knows more about you than you do!"said Ron to Harry. Honestly when will this idiot learnt to open his mouth, and what to speak at what time?
        "Who doesn't? What's happening? "said Harry, as the staircase changed making me zone back to reality.
        "The staircases change, remember?"answered Hermione in a duh you dumbass tone. That's why I like the girl.It stopped at a new place, as Harry went forward with Hermione and Ron. But, I got this uncanny feeling that it was leading to the place where the thing, that Albus and Minerva called as you know what was hidden. I quickly, turned on my heels, and took a detour to the Gryfindor tower, and went to sleep.
        The next morning Oli woke us up, as I got ready for training, as Harry told me about a three headed dog, on our way to the pitch. Oliver, Harry and I got the Quidditch crate, as we decided to enlighten Harry about Quidditch. 
        "Quidditch is easy enough to understand. Each team has seven players. "I explained to Harry."Three Chasers, two Beaters, one Keeper, and the Seeker... that's you. There are three kinds of balls. This one's called the Quaffle. "I said showing him a big reddish ball. "Now, the Chasers handle the Quaffle, and try to put it through one of those three hoops."I said, as I felt someone, staring at my back, which I ignored.
        "The Keeper, that's me, defends the hoops. With us so far?"asked Oli.
        "Yeah, like basketball."replied Harry.
        "What's basketball?"asked Oliver.
        "Ignore, just a muggle sport."I replied as the information dawned upon him, making him sigh in relief.
        "What are those?"he asked us.
        "You'd better take this."said Oliver as he bent down while I handed a club to Harr. Oliver released a medium sized black cannon like ball, which plunged into the sky. It began to zoom down."Careful now, it's coming back."he said as the ball came back, and Harry swung his club, sending the ball, through the reaper's swords."Uh, not bad, Potter! You'd make a fair Beater"he commented as I gave Oliver a whose twin is he? look. The ball began to zoom down again."Uh-oh."he gasped, as he caught the ball, and wriggled on the ground, like a worm, and put the ball back, tying it up with the satchel chains.
        "What was that?"asked Harry.
        "Bludger."I replied."The Beaters keep the Bludgers away from their team. Fred and George Weasley are the Gryfindor Quidditch team beaters."I informed him, as Oli was more excited to tell Harry his job.
        "But you... are a Seeker. The only thing I want you to worry about is this, the Golden Snitch. "he said as he showed Harry, tiny ball about the size of a large walnut. It was bright gold in color.
        "I like this ball."said Harry.
        "Ah, you like it now. But just wait. It's wicked fast, and damn near impossible to see."said Wood.
        "What do I do with it?"asked Harry.
        "Simple as anything."I said."You catch it. Before the other team's Seeker. You catch this, the game's over. You catch this Harry, and we win"I said as it's silvery wings flapped out, as it began fluttering in the sky.
        "Woah!"said Harry like an excited kid.

        Draco's P.O.V.:-

        I watched Potter from the stand, as he behave like an idiot, listening to blood traitor Wood, and his beautiful and stubborn twin sister. Oliver Wood, was the bloody Quidditch captain and keeper, of the Gryfindor Quidditch team, I spat mentally. Katherine, was a totally different story all together, she was making her place, by her ,mere potential. By hard work. Even uncle Snape, likes her. I watched her explained, along with that blood traitor kid, as she explained to scarface about Quidditch. For a girl, she was no way girly, like Pansy. She was a girl in charge, tomboy enough to know sports and prank in revenge, but girly enough to know how to charm the opposite sex. I mean for the youngest students, apart from me and scarface, and that Weasel and know-it-all mudblood, and Parkinson and Zabini, she was the most popular kid, not only amongst the students, junior and senior, but also amongst the staff. And boy, she's hot. But, she is furious with me, and doesn't want to even see my face. What shall I do?

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