Minerva's Chess Battle

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        We all followed Harry to an unknown place.We followed the passageway, as it reminded me of the Gringott's Wizarding Bank.A soft rustling and clinking sound could be heard now.
        "There’s light ahead – I can see something moving."I said, as we followed our way towards the light.We reached the end of the passageway and saw before them a brilliantly lit chamber, its ceiling arching high above them. It was full of small, jewel-bright birds, fluttering and tumbling all around the room. On the opposite side of the chamber was a heavy, wooden door.
        "I don’t know Sounds like wings."said Harry.
        "Curious, I’ve never seen birds like these."said Hermione as she looked at the flying objects.
        "They’re not birds they’re keys. And I’ll bet one of then fits that door."I said crossing my hands under my bust, looking at them with an attitude.
        "What’s this all about?"thought Hermione aloud, as she crossed the room, reaching the wooden door.
        "I don’t know. Strange."said Harry and Ron, as they looked up.Ron rushed to the door, as they tried to unlock it both ways - the muggle way as well as the magical way.
        "Alohomora! Well, it was worth a try"said Ron, failing to unlock the door. The door simply wouldn't budge.
        "What are we going to do? There must be a thousand keys up there!"exclaimed Hermione.
        "We’re looking for a big old fashioned one. Probably rusty like the handle."I said, observing the lock. Harry observed the keys as he spotted it.
        "There! I see it! The one with the broken wing!"he said as he  pointed to one key.But, then he looked down at a pair of brooms..
        "What’s wrong Harry?"asked Hermione with concern.
        "It is too simple,"he said as he caressed one of the brooms.
        "Oh, go on Harry and Katr! If Snape can catch it on that old broomstick, you both can! You’re the youngest Seeker  and chaser in a century!"said Ron.Harry and I nodded, as we caught hold of the broomstick each. As soon as we got one, the keys began to attack us. Nice combo package working of Flitwick and Hooch. First Hagrid, then Sprout, then this is Flitwick and Hooch combination. "This complicates things a bit!"he said as we mounted the brooms.We kicked off the ground as we flew in the air, as Harry went for the broken winged key. He caught it, and sent it to me.
        "Catch Kat""he said as I caught it easily.
        "Catch it Ronnie!"I said as I threw the key to Ron. Ron caught it with ease, guess it's the Weasley blood in him. He unlocked the door, as Harry and I flew in, and shut the door, not allowing a key in. We dismounted the brooms, and walked to what looked like a major graveyard.
        "I don't like this, I don't like this at all."said Hermione.
        "Where are we? A graveyard?"said Harry trying to guess about it, as Ron and I smirked.
        "This is no graveyard,"said Ron as light lit the room to reveal an astonishing sight.
        "It is a chessboard.More of Minerva's artwork"I said with a cheshire cat smile on my face.The pieces were standing on the edge of a huge chessboard, behind the black chessmen, which were all taller than us and were carved from what looked like black stone. Facing us, way across 
the chamber, were the white pieces. 
        "There’s the door!"said Harry as Ron and Hermione followed him like idiots while I stood on the spot. Knowing Minerva for 10years, I know she'll not give in without a fight for sure.As they went for the door, the white pawns came to life, taking out their swords at them, as the trio retreated.
        "Now what do we do?"asked Hermione.
        "Its obvious isn’t it? We’ve got to play our way across the room."said Ron with determination.
        "How?"asked Hermione.
        "I think we've got to be the chessmen."I said with determination to the three.Ron walked up to one of the black knights and confirmed what I had suggested. The knight nodded. See no one knows Minerva better than Albus and myself.Harry and Hermione were quiet as Ron went on brain storming, while I remained calm and smug.Ron finally turned to us.
        "Now, don’t be offended or anything, but excluding Kat, neither of you are that good at chess –"he said to Harry and Hermione.
        "We are not offended."said Harry. See, he knows his weaknesses.
        "All right, Harry, you take the empty bishop’s square. Hermione you’ll be the queen-side castle, Kat you take the place of the queen. As for me, I’ll be a knight."he ordered.The chessmen seemed to have been listening, because at these words a knight, a bishop and a castle turned their backs on the white pieces and walked off the board leaving four empty places which we took.
        "What happens now?"she asked.
        "Well, white plays first."I said as a white pawn came forward.It moved forward two spaces.Ron and I studied the game.
        "Ron you don’t suppose this’ll be like real wizard’s chess do you?"asked Hermione apprehensively.
        "You there D-5."Ron ordered to a black pawn.The black pawn moved diagonally to the white pawn to its assigned place. The white pawn raised its sword and smashed it to pieces, as  I stepped back slightly, and while the three jumped on the spot.Ron turned to Hermione as he spoke to her, with worry."Yes Hermione I think this is gonna be exactly like wizard’s chess."he said. Hermione almost glared at Ron on hearing this. Ron went on ordering the chess pieces, as they smashed with a boom. Should have let me order, that durkus.
        "Castle to E-4!"he ordered, as it went and got smashed. "Pawn to C-3!"he ordered, as the white queen came and smashed the pawn. Ron, Harry and I studied the game. Ron, had to win the game, and there were two options, either let me go and get smashed, giving an easy win, or sacrifice himself, and let Harry checkmate the king. And knowing Ron, he'd rather protect me, than let me be sacrificed. Nae shit Merlin! He is going to sacrifice himself. Even Harry understood about it.
        "Wait a minute."said Harry as he turned to Ron.
        "You understand right Harry. Once I make my move the queen will take me. Then you’re free to check the king."he said.
        "No. Ron no!"shouted Harry.
        "What is it?"asked Hermione.
        "Ronald is going to sacrifice himself."I said.
        "No you can’t! There must be another way!"she shrieked.
        "Oh there is, and that is to sacrifice me."I said as Hermione and Harry's faces went as pale as sheets of paper.
        "Do you wanna stop Snape from getting that Stone or not? Harry and Kat, it’s you two that have to go on. I know it! Not me! Not Hermione! You both!"he said as he looked at Harry and me.At this Harry nodded his head."Knight ...........to H-3."he said as he went forward, sliding and stopping.The white queen came towards his direction."Check"he said as he breathed more, catching the reel of the horse. The queen stopped and lunged at him,as his horse broke to pieces, making him fall down with a SMASH!Ron shouted as he fell, and Hermione was about to move from her place, when Harry spotted it.
        "No don’t move!"I said.
        "Don't forget, we're still playing."said Harry as he turned. He began walking diagonally, as he stopped in front of the king. He took an almost loud breath as he spoke."Checkmate". he said.The sword of the white king fell, as we rejoice mentally about the victory.We all rushed towards Ronald, as he went lay on the ground.

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