🍃Carrot cookie x Beet cookie 🍃

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Hello, this is MY headcanon backstory on how Beet cookie first met Carrot cookie.

I hope you enjoy~

⚠WARNING⚠ contains graphic details of injures and blood, also contains the usage of cuss words frequently.



  The sun was up, blazing in the sky. The sweet smell of morning dew filled the air. I grab a small stone to sharpen the tips of my arrows, hopefully, this time I'll be more successful...I trek down an abandoned trail, following the wind change. Soon my eyes lock on my prey.

I squat down near a bush close by, waiting. I slowly draw out my crossbow, eying the weak spot on my target. As I am about to fire, a crow swoops down from nowhere knocking me off balance. I release the arrow out of reflex, scaring away my target.

"Crumbs!" I shout, my arrow shot high into the sky, getting stuck in a nearby tree. As I walked to the tree bark to retrieve my arrow, a flock of crows and other birds swarm the sky, heading in the opposite direction from me. 'What's with all these birds?', I think to myself as I ignore the topic at hand.

I ran out of luck looking for new prey, so I just decided to wait for my prey. But alas, nothing, not a soul on sight. "*Damn it*" I mumble, if only I rationed my food properly...But then again, if the dumbass cake hound never took my bag of supplies I would've never had to...

I trench through the wilderness, cold and hungry. The sun is now long gone. Nothing can be seen in the sky above besides stray birds and storm clouds. This is normal for me, however. I can just find shelter within a cave or underneath a tree. I find a shady spot underneath a tree branch. I prop myself against the hard bark as I shut my eyes.




I hear footsteps, of how many people, I can't say. 3,4 maybe even 7 individual feet. As I reach for my crossbow I notice it isn't where I left it originally. Suddenly, "Bark! Yap Yap!" A-a dog, no- son of a bitch. Cake hounds! One had their slimy mouth on my crossbow. Others surrounded me from all corners. Some licked me, others chewed and bit at my clothes. "HEY GIVE ME BACK MY BOW!" I screamed, I tried running after the one that had my bow, only to trip on one and land face-first into some mud.

I try to get up but fail, their bodies trampling mine. I roll over, my back facing the ground. I kick up towards the cake hounds to scare them off. This only results in the bigger ones getting angry and biting at me with hostility. I manage to, sit up, pushing the smaller dogs off me. I quickly lunged toward the hound holding my weapon. The Little bastard ducked behind a tree, nearly causing me to plunge into it...

I'm running after it with all my might, either the little shit is fast, or I'm getting rusty. The chase was nerve-wracking, yes...though the adrenaline rush made it all the more amusing. The dog slid underneath some bushes, I crawled through them, getting my outfit muddy and bruised. Finally, I was closing in on the cake hound. All of a sudden it slowed down.

'This is my chance'

I sprint towards the cake hound with everything I've got.




A mud puddle buried perfectly with grass and leaves causes me to slip and lose my balance...suddenly I begin to feel myself plummet. I grip onto my surroundings to realize I'm halfway off the side of a steep hill...if you can call it a hill. Not big enough to be called a mountain, but deep enough to kill. Beads of sweat began to form on my face as I look around. The cake dog, with an innocent smile, plastered across its face, holding my crossbow in its devilish mouth. It stared at me with those biddy black eyes, which held no remorse.

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